2122T2 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Bryce Tan
About YourName
SMU email: 'bryce.tan.2018@scis.smu.edu.sg'
Academic Year: 2018
Degree: BSc (Information Systems) (Major in Software Development)
Why Virtual TSM?
- What motivates you to join TSM?.
TSM would give me the chance to interact with people from all the different background. This not only applies to the people that we get to meet during the TSM trip itself but also the other students participating in the trip. I think it will be interesting to hear everyone's stories and experiences especially during the time of this COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, TSM would also provide me with the unique opportunity to have an insider look at the big tech companies that so many of my peer (me included) aspire to join. Also, being in my final semester, it will be good to finally be able to leave Singapore and also clear my Globalisation requirements.
- Where would you like to visit virtually?
Shenzhen China, Bangalore India, London
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
FinTech, Virtual/Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence
- What plan do you have in starting a business?
None at the moment. But in the future, I think it will be really interesting to own and run an eSports Organisation since those are really rare in Singapore.
Past Experiences (optional)
- JPMorgan Summer Analyst Program (Software Engineering Program) - Summer 2021
- GovTech Technology Management Intern - Summer 2020
- Web Developer at Axension Studios LLP - Dec 2019 - Apr 2020
- Citibank Singapore Payment Services Internship - Mar to May 2018
- JPMorgan Code for Good 2020 - First Place
Co-curricular Activities(optional)
- JPMorgan Student Ambassador
- Metamorphosis Camp 2019 (Facilitator)
- Ultimate Frisbee