IS427:AY1314T1 Europe (G1) - Organizations: Lille: A-Volute

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About A-Volute

A-Volute[1] was founded in 2004. It specialises in binaural-based technologies that are dedicated to offer an immersive 3D audio experience from on conventional stereophonic sound systems[2].

A-Volute is now located in Villeneuve d’Ascq (North of France).

Founding Team

A-Volute was created by Tuyên Pham (CEO) & Ambroise Recht (CTO). They both started to work on their core technology while they were still students at Centrale Lille, a top ten French engineering school. As gaming and music lovers, audio is more than a profession to the founders: it is a vocation.


3D Sound

3D sound primarily defines all the sound technologies that enables the positioning of sound around the listener to produce a lifelike immersive effect. This could encompass, but is not limited to, surround sound technologies, where multiple speakers are placed around a room to immerse the listener in the center of the action[3]. 3D sound technologies aims to recreate sound in a spatial context such that a listener feels that he is hearing it naturally in real life instead of digitally.

With A-Volute technologies, such lifelike 3D sound can be recreated on any device from any input signal (Stereo, 5.1, 3D) and to any audience, making surround sound an accessible mainstream experience. A-Volute aims to become the new audio standard and bring 3D sound back to the ears of billions of people.

Sound Virtualization

A-Volute has developed a renderer engine which enables them to virtualize sound and recreate standard surround sound systems no matter what audio playback system is used.

Upmix algorithm

A-Volute' upmix algorithm spatializes stereo or multichannel contents and transforms them into surround sound or full 3D contents in order to rediscover the sound's original accuracy.

Customizable HRTF filters

A-Volute offers HRTF (Head Related Transfer Function) customization to users for more comfortable and personalized lifelike sound.

Directional Sound

Audio Enhancement

Audio Correction

Business Model

Global Activities

SWOT Analysis

Key Learning Points

Additional Information
