2122T1 TSM/Participant Information/Kelly Tay
About Kelly
SMU email: yourname@sis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin or other Social Media: LinkedIn
Academic Year: ???
Degree: ???
Why TSM?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
One of the main reason for joining SMU, was due to the huge variety of mods and opportunities which allows students to not only gain global exposure but also apply our skills and knowledge to real world applications. Out of all the opportunities that SMU provided, TSM intrigued me the most. To me, TSM does not only provide me the opportunity to learn insights from different culture, but also allows me to truly understand the challenges that businesses face and how technology can be applied to solve all these problems. Thus, I believe that TSM is a mod that will allow me to get such unique experience and broaden my perspectives
- Where do you NOT want to travel for TSM?
Anywhere and everywhere is fine.
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
- What plan do you have in starting a business?
Past Experiences (optional)
- List your startup experiences
What keeps you ticking?
- Say something about you