2122T1 TSM/Participant Information/Shawn Teo

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Express Yourself

About Your Name

SMU email: shawn.teo.2019@sis.smu.edu.sg


Linkedin or other Social Media: [1]
Academic Year: 2
Degree: Information Systems major in Business analytics and AI

Why TSM?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

Coming from a business background in polytechnic, I am interested in how technology can be used in a start-up environment to bring business value and want to learn what makes a technological business successful and the challenges that can cause it to fail. Seeing success stories of tech start-ups have also made me curious about entrepreneurship. The digital business module has also opened up my eyes to the many ways a business can be transformed using technology and it makes me excited for this opportunity to apply what I have learnt and experience it first-hand.

  • Where do you NOT want to travel for TSM?

I am open to all countries as there will be many opportunities to learn anywhere. However, I would prefer to not physically travel to a country with high covid cases.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Businesses that deliver their solutions in an innovative and creative way using technology interests me the most. Such as “Trax” a Singapore start-up that utilizes computer vision to keep track of retail stocks where users of their solutions can take a picture of their shelves using a mobile camera and generate a stocktake report on what is contained on the shelves.

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

I wish to one day try to set up a drone delivery company in the logistics industry as I feel that as Singapore is a logistical hub, there will be many opportunities to deliver goods and products through air. This can be complemented with AI technology to increase the efficiency of operations through self-navigating drones.

Past Experiences (optional)

  • List your startup experiences

I have an experience in starting up a bazaar in which I had to open and manage a retail store selling fast moving consumer goods as part of an entrepreneur module in my polytechnic. At the end of the module, the store barely broke even and I have learnt many valuable such as the importance of cost management, market research and being customer focused just to even gain traction and sustain business operations.

What keeps you ticking?

  • Say something about you

I am very passionate about artificial intelligence and the potential it can bring to businesses. I aspire to learn more about upcoming technologies such as AI and I wish to one day develop solutions that can bring value to the world.