2122T1 TSM/Participant Information/Wee Hui Yu Fiona
About Fiona Wee
SMU email: fiona.wee.2018@sis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin or other Social Media: LinkedIn
Academic Year: 2018
Degree: BSc (IS) Information Systems Major in Business Analytics and Software Development
Why TSM?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
Growing up with an entrepreneurial father, I am always interested in entrepreneurship - the ability to create something from nothing. In addition, as we live in an age of unprecedented global and technological transformation, it will be interesting to learn how businesses are able to translate their business innovations into actions. These motivates me to join TSM as believe TSM provides the best opportunity for me to gain exposure in technopreneurship.
- Where do you NOT want to travel for TSM?
I am open to all countries as I believe I can learn as much in any country.
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
Simple technological solutions that help make our lives easier (e.g. a To-do list app from MS, sharing calendar app like timetree, period tracking app, notion) and keep us motivated (e.g. app blocker, reading app like tapas, Make Me Better app).
- What plan do you have in starting a business?
Starting a business can require a lot of work, time and money hence I do not plan to start a business anytime soon. Instead, I would love to gain more knowledge in entrepreneurship and skills in the technological field first. This will help me to find inspiration for new creative ideas and hopefully, build my confidence to be adventurous in starting my own business.
Past Experiences (optional)
- List your startup experiences
What keeps you ticking?
- Say something about you
This may sound boring but I love to read (only fictional books). Reading builds my imaginations as I am able to visualize characters, settings, and actions while I am reading. I can empathize with the characters, their emotions, laugh and cry with them. It opens my minds and help me to experience and analyze the world through the characters' lives. Some books that I recommend are Percy Jackson and Celeste Academy.