2122T1 TSM/Participant Information/Tan Guan Ming Leonard

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About Your Name

SMU email: leonardtan.2018@business.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin or other Social Media: LinkedIn
Academic Year: 2018
Degree: Double degree in Business Management and Information systems

Why Travel Bubble TSM?

I am interested in learning more about what it takes to run a successful startup. I was a software engineer intern at 2 different exciting startups and it was a great experience. It will be a great learning opportunity to understand the management perspective of a successful startup!

Starting a business

Software businesses that tackle environmental concerns are what I am interested in. One such example is Forest . While many businesses that tackle environmental issues exist, not many of them use software as the main tool in resolving them.

Past Experiences

I was previously a software engineer intern at TheNightMrkt and CargoAi.

What keeps you ticking?

As an aspiring software engineer, I am extremely curious to find out about how we can use software to solve global issues.