IS427:AY1314T1 Europe (G1) - Organizations: Lille: Giroptic
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About Giroptic
Founding Team
Business Model
Collaborations& Activities
SWOT Analysis
- (Product) Convenient
- No need for multple cameras or angles
- Compact and functional, portable
- Caters to different customer needs
- Variances in products and services (packages)
- Venturing into a B2B2C model to reach consumer-end products
- Comprehensive & usable software
- Virtual Tour Suite needs little technical skill, expertise or experience to use
- Product outreach
- Collaborations: Kolor (online platform that offers image-stitching software, virtual tour software and panoramic photography hardware). Though discontinued recently, they have an established customer base there.
- Collaborations: Mobile app test concept for real estate: The Picket Fence
- Need internet connection to utilize software
- Widget, software doesn't run locally, no offline mode
- B2B2C preposition still in transition
- Still transitioning, lackluster in adoption
- (Enhance): Offline version
- (Expand): Online mediums
- The Living Channel (TLC), virutaltourist,com
- (Expand): Conservation projects
- Government & community projects: archaeological monuments/sites, heritage buildings/sites
- Competitive services: Imatronics
- Also offers software for virtual tours, panoramic views and creations
- Similar products: GoPro (360Heroes range)
- B2C market players: Bubblescope
- Potential competitors with mass market outreach
Proposed Business Strategy
Why Expand to Asia?
- Growing tourism industry
- Record highs in terms of arrivals in 2012, Approximately 89 million people coming to Southeast Asia alone (source)
- Increasing international arrivals
- Strong performance year on year, double digit growth expected in most parts of Asia
- Bustling tourism within Asia
- Many people traveling within the region, huge potential and outreach
- Interest in Asian real estate
- Increase in investor appetite for asian real estate: some US $112 mil invested in 2013 so far
- Foreign investments
- E.g Blackstone, a global investment giant is looking to increase its real estate portfolio in asia (source)
- Technology space
- Acceptability
- Testbed for new B2B2C business model
- Transferable clientele
- Potential clients
Business Strategy
- (Expand): Online mediums
- TLC (who has Singapore as a hub in Asia) - (has some functions similar to what is available on tripadvisor, but focuses on user-generated content, photos and videos of places
- Expand): Conservation efforts in Asia:
- Monuments, sites, history
- Potential clients:
- B2B2C approach
Why go into Singapore?
- Tourism Hub – high arrivals volume (14.4milion)
- Established regional hub
- Bustling real estate market
- Top Asian city for real estate investment (source: forbes)
- Conservation efforts
- Mass market & B2B client pool
Proposed Market Strategy
Key Learning Points
- Tourism growth projects:
- Local heritage conservation efforts:
- (local community):
- (Stat boards/ organizations):;nhbacsessid=QDQnS7LBh09k6dMh4hY52jy0GRRp7PTn1hrfhrp4GsQ9Txk2CGGv!819983914?_afrLoop=13286304337424634&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D13286304337424634%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3D19qzllzkvk_4
- (Stat boards/ organizations):