IS427:AY1314T1 Europe (G1) - Organizations: Munich: Target Partners

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The Company

  • 230 million Euro under management, Target Partners is one of the leading venture capital investors in Europe.
  • Target Partners invests in young technology companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Through their individual commitment, couple with a global network and vast experience as entrepreneurs, managers and venture capital investors, Target Partners is able support entrepreneurs in building a great company.
  • The partners of Target Partners have years of collective experience as successful managers, entrepreneurs and venture capital investors in Europe and the USA.
  • Target partners have both founded or led companies and also developed or sold technology products. They have seen numerous companies through IPO and provide mentoring and consulting services. They do understand the challenges an entrepreneur would faces where the road to success is often rough and full of obstacles.
  • Both in Europe and the USA, Target Partners has a large network in industry and venture capital which be able to provide expansion in Europe and US market.

<h>Active Portfolio</h>


  • Adictiz App
  • Adictiz Media
  • Adictiz Box

Games Activities

Goggle play

  • Space Dogs : 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 downloads as of January 4, 2013

Space Dogs download

  • What a Stupid Pigeon : 50,000 - 100,000 downloads as of August 26, 2013

What a Stupid Pigeon download

  • Europe: The game players are mainly from central Europe and America
  • Asia:The founders will be coming Singapore this October with the intention to expand into Asia market.Through discussion they are looking at Singapore as a testbed to explore other markets in Asia.


Target Partners Website