1920T2 NewYorkCity/Participant Information/Sushil Siwraj More

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About Sushil

SMU email: ssmore.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook:No Facebook but LinkedIn
Academic Year: 16
Degree: Information Systems
Applying for Subsidies: No

Why TSM New York City?

  • What motivates you to join TSM? Through the companies visits, we are able to see firsthand and learn more about them from this international experts. I would take this opportunity to provide me with a greater exposure/clarity on NYC's technological and digitalization effort towards through classes and company visits/engagement. From my peers, I've heard that through the TSM you might be able to see the real driving forces for the different companies through their staffs' and founders' passion of their product/service.
  • Why pick New York City? New York has many entrepreneurs and technologists which makes it a great place for them to meet and collaborate. As the city's industries are going digital transformations we are able to see great innovations. We are able to see the city's evolution to a tech center.

Past Experiences (optional)

1) Singapore Management University: Research Assistant (Aug 19- Present)
2) Govtech: Intern Software Development (May 18 - Dec 18)
3) DBS : Procurement Intern (Dec 2013 - Feb 2014)

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you? I am greatly interested in business that invests it's time in sustainability and works around this idea. There are many types of business around however business that have a long history particularly interests me. These businesses have been founded couple of decades and are still market leaders by keeping up with innovation and the changes of demands of their consumers.
  • What plan do you have in starting a business? I am currently find business solutions that is able to meet the demands and have a couple of ideas that I'm working on both educational services and user-centric life-style apps. I'm currently working on an idea/concept that helps to automate day to day processes and I hope that if it is sucessful, I would try to productize it.

What keeps you ticking?

  • I enjoy exploring and learning new things. These "things" includes culture, enviroment and products that exists around the world. I'm consistenly trying to understand how are these things done and if they could brought around to solve other real world problems.