1920T2 NewYorkCity/Participant Information/EugeneChoy

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Revision as of 08:57, 4 October 2019 by Eugene.choy.2016 (talk | contribs)
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About Eugene

SMU email: eugene.choy.2016@smu.edu.sg
Facebook: Eugene Choy
LinkedIn: My LinkedIn!
Academic Year: 4
Degree: Information Systems
2nd Major: NIL
Applying for Subsidy: No

Eugene c.jpg

Why TSM New York City?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?
    It is a good way to find out more about various innovative companies/start up. Understand the process of how certain start-up founders set up their business and also visit the Co-Working spaces in New York - startups usually start working at Co-working spaces first. I think this will be a very insightful to learn more about start-ups overseas and apply the knowledge back to Singapore in the near future!

  • Why pick New York City?
    It is a Financial Center! Digital Payments and various Fintech startups will be at the fore front. Based on insights from Accenture, New York City's entrepreneurship in Financial Industry is one of the reason why Fintech is blooming in New York. As a incoming employee at Visa, I am keen to witness how Fintech starts ups can collaborate with various Tech Giants or Finance Industry to come out with new innovative products.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?
    Businesses that solve citizen problems with Technology, Digital Payments, Start ups Collaboration with Financial Industry

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?
    I may not have any plans to start a business in the next 5 years, however I am always interested to work in the field of Innovations. I plan to further my career in a Innovation Hub or Center to solve interesting problems on a daily basis. Although it is not the same as starting my own business, coming up with new innovative ideas to require some form of entrepreneurship as well. I have also considered working in a start-up in the future, working with a small start-up would require the staff to possess some sort of entrepreneurship spirit too to help push the company forward!

Past Experience

  • Career Related
    Interned at Govtech : National Digital Identity during 2018 summer
    Interned at VISA last summer
    Incoming Software Engineer at VISA

  • Others
    Visited Japan alone for 16 days! - It was so much fun going to a country for a short getaway alone!

What keeps you ticking?

Aikido! I practise Aikido about 3 times a week. Coding too, i often find it fun to just code randomly