1920T2 NewYorkCity/Participant Information/Benjamin Gan

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About Benjamin

SMU email: benjamingan@smu.edu.sg
Facebook: Benjamin Gan
Academic Year: 15
Degree: Teaches Information Systems Management undergraduate courses IS306, Hong Kong Silicon Valley, Seoul and IS480
2nd Major: Photography & Having Fun

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Why TSM New York City?

  • What motivates you to join TSM? This is my 10th run.
  • Why pick New York City? Big apple has all the mojo!

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you? Technology based that will change the way we do things
  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

Before coming into University, I participated in ICE71 Cybersecurity Entrepreneurship Bootcamp. My idea revolved around automating the process of helping SMEs get around with the PDPA regulation without the need to train, retrain employees to save cost while abiding by the new regulation. I presented to a board of Directors and was given an opportunity to expand my idea, however, as I was more inclined to focus my time on school, I kindly declined.

Since then, I have participated in many hackathons to keep the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit burning, to constantly innovate and think out of the box.

Also, I have a tiny instagram shop selling some of my semi-precious gemstones :) https://www.instagram.com/krxpire/

Past Experiences (optional)

Hong Kong Silicon Valley, Seoul

What keeps you ticking?

  • Life. We have a short time on this earth. We should live life to the fullest. YOLO