1819T2 Hong Kong/Participant Information/Yong Fu Xiang, Fu Xiang

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Yong Fu Xiang

fu xiang

SMU email: fxyong.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fxyong
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems
2nd Major: Analytics
One random fact: i'm a foodie!
Interest: UI/UX/Travelling
Applying for Subsidy: Yes

Why TSM Silicon Valley?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

TSM allows me to see how technology company operates beyond the Singapore borders. This will provide me an opportunity to learn from them and bring back to our sunny island. By joining the TSM, I hope to witness for myself on how technology can be applied to various businesses and changed the world. Additionally, I hope to expand my network of friends and industry experts of various domains from around the world.

  • Why pick Hong Kong?

Char Siew Bao? Siew Mai? just joking. Hong Kong & Shenzhen is home to many of the R&D, start-up scene. Shenzhen has also been dubbed the next Silicon Valley of China. I hope to understand how technology could be rapidly deployed and adopted in a large country. By visiting Hong Kong & Shenzhen, I'll have the chance to learn from large enterprise such as Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba on how they managed to deploy their product and services and get the public to adopt at such a fast rate.

  • Ideal role in the trip

Itinerary Planner/liaise with companies to visit /Lobang king

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Sharing economy business/community driven business
Technologies involving: cashless payment, AI, AR/VR

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

A community-driven item rental platform

Past Experiences (optional)

  • Instructor at Code Gakko, School of Computer Science and Engineering (Sep 2018 - Present)
  • UI/UX/front-end Intern at Opinir (May 2018 - Jul 2018)
  • Teaching Assistant at SMU (Dec 2017 - Dec 2017)
  • SoftwareDeveloper Intern at aZaaS (Sep 2012 - Jul 2013)
  • Microsoft Student Partner at Microsoft Singapore (Jun 2011 - Oct 2013)

What keeps you ticking?
Being able to witness how technology can empower people to achieve more.