1819T2 Hong Kong/Participant Information/How Zhiteng

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How Zhiteng

SMU email: zhiteng.how.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howzt
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems
2nd Major: N.A
fun fact: i am very fun
Applying for Subsidy: YES!!!

Why TSM Hong Kong?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

It is a unique opportunity for me to explore the technology advancements in another country which otherwise, isn't easily accessible through my own means. Having such an exposure to the different ways technology can be used in various industries or even aspects of daily lives can help me broaden my knowledge and creativity in brainstorming for future ideas. Embarking on this trip with many like-minded people, we can surely learn more together through sharing and spurring one another's interest.

  • Why pick Hong Kong?

It will be interesting to observe the entrepreneurial attitude among Hong Kongers. Hong Kong is falling behind in technology development as compared to its neighbours. Hence, Hong Kong is receiving funds for technology progress and it will be quite a sight to see how the entrepreneurs rise in such situations to strive for a more technologically advanced Hong Kong.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Food waste management. Business of health food.

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

I will have to work a couple of years first before starting a business. Am also looking towards working in a start up to gain relevant experiences so that I can better prepare myself when I start a business in the future.

Past Experiences (optional)

Started aWear, a social entrepreneur shirt business back in poly as part of a global competition with my fellow school mates. Gained significant experiences in managing a business.

What keeps you ticking?

The hunger for constant improvement, the need to improve oneself and stay competitive and relevant in the near future.