1819T2 Hong Kong/Participant Information/Gary Chua
Revision as of 20:46, 12 October 2018 by Garychua.2016 (talk | contribs) (Added participant information)
About Gary Chua
SMU email: garychua.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
LinkedIn: Gary Chua
Academic Year: 3
Degree: BSc Information Systems
2nd Major: Banking Processes & Technology
Application for subsidy: Yes
Why TSM Hong Kong?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
- This TSM will be beneficial for me to really understand how its like to be an entrepreneur. Having dabbled with a startup that failed miserably during my teenage years with a group of secondary school friends clearly shows how little experience I have about the inner works of a startup. Thus this failure actually motivates me to figure out the right way to get a start up going.
- Why pick Hong Kong? One country two system for startup
Starting a business
- What types of business interest you?
- Technology based that will change the way we do things
- What plan do you have in starting a business?
Past Experiences (optional)
What keeps you ticking?