Chan Si Ying Ashley

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About Chan Si Ying Ashley

China Jiuzhaigou
Academic Year: 2
Degree: Bachelor in Business Management
Major: Corporate Communications
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Why TSM South Korea?

South Korea is famous for a wide range of industries which includes skincare-cosmetics products and services, IT and F&B. Through this TSM, I would like to learn more about the way businesses in South Korea is conducted and how I can apply some of their business strategies to businesses in Singapore.

Internship Opportunities

What Type of Business Interest Me?

Frankly, any form of business that generates profits, with minimal start-up costs interests me. While the valuable experience of watching your business develop and grow is also an attractive catch, the main concern of starting a business is to generate profits and to see if your ideas are feasible and marketable.

Keen business interests: - Café Business - Education Business - Fashion Accessories and Skincare Products (E-commerce) - Business Consulting

Past Experience

 Co-founded KC Learning Lab Pte Ltd in Y2011, specializing in tuition agency business, web development and design and education related portals. Established a pipeline for assignment sales and coordination services for clients and help resolved customers-tutors conflicts. Responsible for setting company’s marketing strategy and sales targets. At present, the tuition platform ( has a database of 600 tutors and counting.

 Currently interning part-time at S.H. KOH Management & Secretarial Pte Ltd. Involved in assisting in the accounting and secretarial services of the company.