1718T2 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/RemyNgZhengYao

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Remy Ng Zheng Yao

SMU email: remy.ng.2014@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: Remy Ng
Academic Year: 4
Degree: Information Systems
Major: Overwatch Tank
One random fact: I speak Japanese
Applying for Subsidy: Yes

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Why Join TSM Silicon Valley?

What motivates you to join TSM?

I have always wanted to see how technology is developed and utilised in other countries. While Singapore's technology is pretty developed, it would be nice to get a perspective from other countries and see how differently things are run there.

Why pick Silicon Valley?

Silicon Valley is one of the most innovative places in the world where talents all flood towards. In addition, major tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Apple are all based there. It would be a great experience to visit companies such as these and find out more about what these companies are doing there. I would also like to see how startups work there and compare how they do things differently compared to the startups in Singapore. I would hope to bring back this experience and hope that it can help me in the future when starting my own business

Ideal Role?

Would like to try out the role of a social media guy as I have not done anything like it before!

Starting a Business

What types of business interest you?

I want to start a business that involves technology given that it is my major and that is actually the direction that businesses are moving towards these days. As for the industry or type of business, I am still not too sure yet. However, starting a business eventually at some point in my life is on my cards.

Past Experiences


I was working at a startup during my Summer Internship last year which was focused on developing a Software As A Service. I liked how dynamic the experience was as I got to do many different things such as developing a front-end, backend side of the application, documentation as well as learn more about how startups work. It was fast-paced and very fulfilling as what I was developing was used by actual users.

Final Year Project

I developed a proof-of-concept Speech-To-Text application that enabled booking of flights via Amadeus API calls with payment gateway integration.

What keeps you ticking?

Developing: I am currently involved in 2 freelance side projects which are still in the works. It gives me insight into how projects work in the real world and provides me with developing experience.

Gaming: I like to game during my free-time which is pretty non-existent these days :/