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Photo 2017-10-11 11-03-52.jpg

About Lydia

SMU Email:
Facebook: Lydia Lu
Academic Year: Year 2
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Economics)
Applying for Subsidy: Yes
Interests: Trekking, Classical music, Travelling, Food
One random fact: I can play the piano and cello!

School involvements:

  • SMU Economics Society (OIKOS) Management Associate Programme 2016-2017 (Academic and Career Development Associate)
  • OIKOS Origins 2017 (Convocation for Economics freshmen) Human Resource and Operations Director
  • Project Rainbow IV 2016 - Finance Deputy

External involvements: I play the cello in the Orchestra of the Music Makers (OMM)

Why TSM Silicon Valley

What motivates me to join this study mission?

This study mission will be a great opportunity to expose myself to the entrepreneurial culture in Silicon Valley so that I will be able to attain invaluable insights which will be beneficial for future business plans. In addition, I am looking forward to meeting fellow module-mates who are equally passionate about entrepreneurship, so that we could share our experiences and potential ideas.

Why pick Silicon Valley?

I would love to visit Silicon Valley because it is the hotbed for many successful business ventures. Furthermore, Silicon Valley is one of the best smart cities internationally. Thus, I would like to personally experience living in one of the most technologically advanced cities so that I would be able to contribute to Singapore’s pursuit to be a well-developed smart city in years to come.

Ideal role in the trip: Companies Co-ordinator/Itinerary Planner/Social Media Manager & Journalist

Internship: Yes! I have always been interested to intern in a start-up!

Starting a Business

What types of business interest you?

  • Technology
  • Music
  • Food
  • Travel

What plans do you have in starting a business?

I have plans to create a travel-based start-up with a friend (not an SMU student), and we have been working on this idea since July. Although plans are not concrete for now, we are planning to build on the idea concurrently as we take on more internships and seek for start-up related experiences that will give us greater insights.

What keeps you ticking?

Adventure – I have been trying to trek as much as possible both locally and overseas. Overseas: As of now, I have trekked Korea’s Bukhansan National Park and Malaysia’s Kota Tinggi Waterfalls. I am looking forward to conquering more treks in the future!

Learning new skills and challenging myself – Apart from studies and school-based commitments, I am currently pursuing a Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM) for Piano Performance and attending external Japanese classes.