1415T2g1 South Korea/Reflection/day3

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             IS427: Technopreneurship Study Mission
                           South Korea    


Course Info

Trip Itinerary

Cast & Roles

Project Teams



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 3: Reflections


Day 3: The tour


Day 3: The tour
Mango plate is an application that is similar to yelp which helps to provide recommendations for places to eat. They personalize the search results specific to the user and captures data from the user such as when/where/how do they search for places to eat and they use these data to provide features such as review reminders that are specific to when the user usually writes the reviews. Micheal discussed briefly on how he came up with the algorithm and suggested that I should look into recommendation engines in Wikipedia to get started on the algorithm. His challenge of this was not coming up with the algorithm, but looking at how to optimize the process. In terms of marketing, they offer prizes and various special holic statuses to reward their users for writing reviews as well as frequently tracking their progress on social media via post reaches and shares. Even though mass media is strong in Korea, it is not cost effective as you are unable to track where the traffic is coming from via which media (newspaper, TV, billboards).

Startup Alliance is a semi-government organization by Naver which aims to provide networking sessions and opportunities for local startups to liaise with global partners. They explained how various sectors of Korea’s startup ecosystem and how they support each other. With Startup Alliance to help with networking and with FuturePlay to help inventors tide over the initial stages of a startup and helping in areas such as patenting, Koreans are really well equipped to get into startups at lower risk. I hope that in future, more organizations will look into boosting startups and accelerating them in Singapore. D Camp is created under the Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs to foster and boost Korea’s startup scene. They often provide office spaces and resources to startups similar to other accelerator programs. They provide courses to help improve the skills of the team. Sonia mentioned that all the startups in Korea are linked and know each other relatively well. It feels that the startup scene in Korea is a big family, who are willing to help each other out in times of need, fostering the younger members of the family to grow and succeed which seems relatively different from Singapore. Zikto’s ARKI is an interesting product that fulfils and actual problem in which I am currently facing as I was often pinpointed by my relatives that my walking posture is wrong and I have felt the detrimental effects of slouching. Brian mentioned that he worked with major names such as Naver to provide promotions on their platform as well as gathering free awareness on his product, a win win situation to help startups to make their product viral. In VC&C, Edward shared his secret recipe with the class about what are the steps that he takes when entering a new market. Firstly, he conducts on market research and gathers absolute data as well as relative data on the demand of applications that are similar to Between and studies the culture about the market and how can Between be readjusted to fit the needs of the locals. This is because even though couples are everywhere in the world, the dating culture differs between different countries. He would then localize his applications by shipping out new features that are relevant to the culture of the market. Next, he builds a local team and gather their expertise about the local market as well as building partnerships with the big companies that can help Between become viral. He quoted that women were the most important player in turning Between viral because the female gender tend to share good applications to their friends spontaneously and their friends would want their boyfriends to use the application. The virtuous cycle should also be offline and online to get the maximum attention of the general public.After vigorous viral marketing on the platforms of big names, the application will finally move to mass adoption by the market. Edward also shared with us the popular platforms that are famous specific to the different countries ( for example. Instagram users in Thailand spend at least 2-3hrs on the application everyday). Finally, for BeSuccess, they organize events for local startups to gain exposure to a global audience. We met Mr Myunghyun Ahn and he joined the company a few months ago. Mr Ahn shared various knowledge about Koreans. He shared why Google was unable to beat Naver was because once websites get listed in Naver, Google will not be able to search for them. He shared the nightlife culture and customs as well as his experiences with match making and that it was a really casual event and many Koreans actually go there often. There was a better market in terms of match making in Korea as compared to Singapore as people tend to have a negative image about online dating and matchmaking.


Day 3: The tour


From their presentation, I learnt that being an entrepreneur does certainly comes with big sacrifices which one has to make and not everyone are able to give up what they have for an uncertain future. However, this is what differentiates an entrepreneurs from other working employees is their passion to see their idea go through. The founder also shared that he strongly believe that as long as there is passion, money will follow. I strongly agree with his settlements as passion is what fuels improvement and such improvements in turns allows productivity and efficiency to be obtained which is the competitive edge of start-ups.

During the Q and A session, I also better understood the marketing strategy of how a start-up should hit the market. For example, one should start with the market in SE Asia as a test bed before embarking on breaking into the US and Europe market. This is to ensure that the product has countless iterative improvements before they are officially launched worldwide. I also learnt the each there is no one size fit all marketing strategy. For instance, although the marketing strategy that Mango Plate uses may work in Korea, it may work in Singapore. This is due to the various cultural and taste of Singaporeans. For instance, most Singaporeans stay close to hawker centers and would not use Mango Plate application to find a good restaurant when they can get access to food easily. Hence, most Singaporeans will only use Mango Plate during special occasions which would mean that the number of user rate will not be as significant as Korea. Thus, a different marketing strategy will have to be used such as providing discount codes to entice Singaporeans to use Mango Plate.

Startup Alliance

From this presentation, I have learnt that it is extremely important for start-ups to be aware of such organizations like Startup Alliance which are able to help them through their early stages. It is also important for start-ups themselves to engage in extensive networking events to ensure that they have the right contacts should they require assistance too. However, I personally also believe that although there are such schemes for start-ups to leverage on, start-ups should still not be too dependent on such initiatives and should continue work to become stronger and less reliable on external help. This will serve to ensure that start-ups will not become too reliant on these available helps.

D. camp

This allowed me to learn how important it is to share experiences with fellow start-ups as they are vital information that allows start-ups to not only avoid mistakes which had been committed by their mentors but also learn and improve on their mentors solutions to mitigate the situation. Through the company tour, I also learnt about how important proper facilities are for the growth of the start-ups. For instance in the case of D.camp, it ensured that all start-ups located in it have accessed to monitors, test devices (iPad, IPhone, Tablets etc.), food, drinks, servers and others. This is important to ensure that the productivity of the start-up is not hindered but maximized instead.


From this presentation, I learnt about the importance of protecting one's startup idea from being copied via the application of patents and also operating in "stealth" mode as shared by the presented. I also learnt that the the goals of start-ups is to improve the lives of people by solving problems which the current market does not have a solution to. This is because having a good idea which does not rectify any problem will lead to no where.

VCNC Between

From the presentation by Edward, I learned that although VCNC had faced many stiff competition from other companies, one should not be too bothered by them as it will only be a waste of time. By simply doing what VCNC does best such as the improvement of code efficiency and others, it has allowed VCNC to stay ahead of the pack. Edward also shared that the mantra VCNC lived by was “If you want to bite, don’t nibble.” This is to say that as start-ups, one should be aggressive – after targeting on something, just do it once and do it good with no regrets.

I also learnt from VCNC that although having the technical know-how is good, that is not sufficient enough to work in VCNC if employees do not share the same passion as VCNC. This shows how important it is to ensure that employees of a start-ups do not have a conflict of interest (i.e. should not have different passion). This is because a conflict of interest will hinder the progress of the start-up. I also learnt that as a start-up, it is important to have one’s goal fixed on going global so as to fully maximize the potential of the start-up. Furthermore, it is also important to know who the target market are as different consumers in different countries can have different taste and preference towards dating. It is also important to target the women consumer base in some situations. For example, in the case of between, as women tend to be more aware of such cute applications and would want to use them, they will often rope in guys too. Hence, the consumer base will indirectly increase too. Lastly, I also learnt about the importance of having an A-team (Best of the best people in the team) in a start-up. This is to allow each member weaknesses to be covered by another team member’s strengths so that they can complement each other. Not only will this lead to cost savings, it also allows each team member to know and appreciate each other more which improves productivity.


During this short q and a session with the staff of besucess over dinner, I got to learn about the importance of how networking is important for startups and entrepreneurs. This is because when a start up first start, it has limited resources and contacts . Hence , having good networking with people / companies will be essential for a startups which requires resources / contacts to break in to SE Asia / Europe / USA market.


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Day 3: The tour


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Day 3: Mangoplate, Startup Alliance, VC&C, D.Camp, Zikto, & BeSuccess
There are various things I learn from the companies we visited on the 3rd day. From Mangoplate, they told us that we should develop products which solve a current problem. We should analyse and understand the society to be able to know what kind of problems is not solved yet and tap on that market. Although I agree that we should find a problem which has to be solved, I also want to be an entrepreneur who develops a product which people think they don’t need, but they actually need it. There is no concrete idea yet, but I will continue to think about it.

I also learn that for new startups, networking is really important. As Startup Alliance mentioned, they often organized events for new startups to build their network with one another and with investors. Along the same line, D-Camp said that trainings are important for new companies, which is why they organized programs for new entrepreneurs.
From VC&C, I learn what to do before entering the market. Although VC&C is the first company in their industry to launch a couple-centric application – Between - they continuously do their research before expanding to another country’s market in order to personalize their approach. This is similar to what Carousell did to Thailand and Indonesia, where they added additional categories and different marketing approaches.
From Zikto, I learn that sometimes government and investments are not the only way to gain funds. They use crowdsourcing to measure the markets and at the same time, gain their funds. I believe this is aligned with what Mangoplate said, which is related to the trust of your users. For both companies, they believe that earning the trust of the people is the most important things of all. I think this is true. As customers come to put their trust with the company and use the products, the market will grow accordingly. Similarly, this will serve as a marketing strategy where users will spread the words to their friends.
We have a great time talking with people from BeSuccess over dinner. We learn that although their company is small, they also hire people on a project-basis. The company has a great culture where they trust each other and everyone is willing to work extra hours to complete their projects. This further emphasizes the importance of a good teamwork in a startup, since a startup usually have less people as compared to big companies thus allowing all of them to interact with one another closely. Every single part of the team has to feel that the company is theirs.
In the end, it is always about the people - both the users and the teams - and not the products solely. We have to think of the people first and what they need.


Day 3: The tour
  • We learnt that MangoPlate utilizes crowdsourcing to verify the existing restaurant data such as opening hours, locations, and to add new restaurants to its database. Crowdsourcing seems to be a trending and effective method for gathering accurate data.
  • From Zikto, we learnt that Kickstarter not only serves the purpose of crowdfunding, but it also provides information about market demand for the company’s product and the demographics of the users that are interested in it.
  • From Between, we learnt that there are multiple channels for generating revenue in the app:
    • Freenium: sell emoji and stamps in the app.
    • Advertising: sell dating ideas that feature paying organizations in the app
    • Commerce: partner up with organizations to buy physical goods such as flowers to gift to one’s significant other through the app
  • From our trip, we learnt these four recurring lessons for a successful startup:
    • Solve a problem that real users are facing
    • Get a capable team, which means people who have the same passion and experience
    • Obtain funding
    • Build up connections and networking early to do the above.


Day 3: The tour

Today, we visited MangoPlate, Startup Alliance, D.Camp, Zikto, VCNC and BeSuccess.

Learning about all the help that the companies in Korea are able to have access to, I realised that the Korean government has put the money where their mouth is, coming up with these various organisations to give start-ups the best opportunities for survival. With about 50% of college graduates unable to find a job, it is an extremely appalling yet unsurprising figure. As the education level increases, it become inevitable that higher skilled jobs will run out. Therefore, it is an ideal opportunity to encourage entrepreneurship - to give these people jobs. Also by giving start-ups as much help as possible through the start-up eco-system, it gives these start-ups easy access to the less "essential" parts of building a company, and allows them to focus on their core business process, whether it is developing their product, or providing the best level of customer service to their clients, and hopefully, help them bridge the "valley of death" that start-ups usually face after the third year. I am extremely admirable to the efforts of the Korean government, and really felt that it gave me some headway into creating my own business. I was not really aware of any other ways of incubating my start-up apart from IIE. Learning how much help these companies can actually give to start-up has given me the impetus to look into the options that the Singapore start-up scene has to offer, giving me greater motivation and a sense of direction as to how to proceed with my start-up idea.


Day 3: The tour


Day 3: The tour


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Day 3: The tour


Day 3: MangoPlate, Startup Alliance, D.Camp, Zikto, VCNC


MangoPlate’s sharing session provided answers to two questions I’ve always had.

The chicken and egg problem

MangoPlate presented a great way to overcome the chicken-and-egg problem of marketplace businesses. They started with a database of 1000 restaurants as the founder himself was a foodie and had a passion for sourcing out great restaurants. The initial users came from expat friends who always asked for this excel list of great restaurants the founder compiled.

In other words, you already have both the chicken and egg to start with. This smaller group would then provide a base for further expansion into the wider community. Often, entrepreneurs worry about their business catering to a customer group that is too small or ‘niche’ (e.g. expats) and hence restricting their market size. However, this actually may not be bad because it keeps you focused and allows you to expand later on.

Getting users to generate content

To solve the problem of getting users to generate content (i.e. restaurant reviews), it is useful to first think about what TRIGGERS users to want to write a review. Following this line of thought, you would be able to then design the user experience to leverage on these triggers to entice users to generate content.

Startup Alliance

It was surprising to learn that there was a lack of diversity in Korea that affects the development of the start-up scene. Startup Alliance shared that Korea needs to embrace talents from overseas in order to grow its start-up ecosystem to a level that could possibly attempt to match that of Silicon Valley. This made me realise something that I’ve often taken for granted and thought ‘normal’ in Singapore – we are a truly cosmopolitan city and melting pot of people of different backgrounds, which brings a level of diversity that fuels creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation.

D. Camp

“Globalised Youth Culture” – this was the one line that left a deep impression on me. Although there may be certain risk-averse mindset deep-seated in Korean culture, the younger generation that has had opportunities to travel and study abroad is now breeding more creativity and new ideas. The Globalised Youth Culture that was born in Gangnam is the reason why Gangnam is now the heart of Seoul’s start-up scene. This is also a good reminder for us to constantly broaden our horizons through overseas experiences.


I personally really love the Arki product and am amazed at how Zikto managed to pull off such a successful kickstarter campaign. I feel that Zikto is very strategic in its sales and marketing and this is something we can really learn from.

Starting with the kickstarter campaign, the next market they’re targeting for expansion is the kids market in Asia. Parents are willingly to spend money on their children if it were to help them later in their life (in this case, good posture and health), hence an attractive market. When we select target markets for our own start-ups, I’ve learnt that it is important to analyse the entire market and determine which would be the next lowest hanging fruit to target.


In my start-up, the issue of a sustainable competitive advantage is often discussed and the first mover advantage is often dismissed by ourselves as ‘non-sustainable’. The lack of patentable intellectual property is also often a concern. However, I’ve learned at VCNC that the first mover advantage has truly worked for them and turned out to be a competitive advantage that has been difficult for its competitors to defeat. By focusing on what they do best, focus and continuously ship code fast, VCNC is able to maintain the dominating position in the market and even become part of culture which I find truly amazing (e.g. young people ask ‘Do you want to use Between?’ as a way to confess their feelings).


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Day 3: MangoPlate & Startup Alliance & D.camp & Zikto & beSuccess & VCNC


MangoPlate is a restaurant discovery application that makes personalized recommendations for its users based on their food preference and by getting recommendations from the people in the user's social network.

I had a great time engaging with Lina, Joon, Michael, and Audrey from MangoPlate and I've learnt quite a few things:

  • Set a goal that you can envision yourself working towards
  • Focus on user-centric development and custom the service to the user's preference
  • Work with partners and network to get to know people who can help with your business
  • Retention of users through incentives like parties and gifts
  • Keep a keen eye on user behavior to help you develop anything ranging from application development to marketing. This will help you find what triggers the user
  • Solve a real problem with a kickass team and they must have the passion and drive to execute the project

Startup Alliance, D.camp, beSuccess

These 3 companies are platforms to provide start-ups with funding opportunities and learning opportunities thtough events like networking sessions and forums. Compared to Singapore, the South Korean support and interest in start-up is going strong. A recent survey was done in South Korea and 30%~ of undergraduates consider entrepreneurship as a possible career path. The growth and development of such support services help lower the risks of starting a business and I think this makes up part of the reason why fresh graduates are considering entrepreneurship as a possible career path.


VCNC created the dating application Between. What contributed to their teamwork is their code of conduct which sets guidelines on how everyone should treat one another. Edward shared that this helps to prevent emotional arguments which can override logic and reason. Their code of conduct is very applicable in many different ways and it is also something that I can apply in my day to day interactions with people.


Zikto is currently developing a wearable that corrects the body posture. It is up against competition against many different kinds of wearables in the market. After reflecting on his idea based on what I've learnt from the companies that we previously visited, I think that unless the product has been medically proven to be successful in correcting posture, the product will face difficulty in capturing the saturating market of wearable consumers.


Day 3: The tour


Day 3: The tour


According to MangoPlate, they are not earning any money now because they wanted to increase their user base. In order to earn money, they will need to collaborate with the shop owners or provide space for advertising. However, in this way, it will damage the user experience as advertisement on application can be annoying to the users. Also, MangoPlate will have the restriction with the shop owners. Thus if there was a bad review that is true, the shop owner might request MangoPlate to remove that review. In this way, if MangoPlate accept the owner request, the users will not be reading the real review. However, as they are in partnership, it is hard for MangoPlate to reject the owner request. Hence, with that, I learnt that signing a partnership with shop owner is not as simple as getting their data and providing them with customer only.

MangoPlate mentioned that you do the best when you follow your heart. So even if the pay is not as high as their previous job, they are still happy to do their start up – MangoPlate. That is because unlike big company, you are given freedom while doing your own start up. MangoPlate is able to fulfil the void that big companies are missing out.

3 point before starting a company:

  1. Are you solving real world problem?
  2. Do you have a team to execute it?
  3. Do you have the passion?

Past experience is not needed, but it acts as an additional value.

Startup Alliance

Startup Alliance is established last year which focus on connecting start-up together. They have networking community such as the biweekly coffee club, monthly book club that invites authors, and also the lunch club which happen frequently. They also arrange PayPal co-founder, Peter Thiel for a talk which he only attended the talk in Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Another event, Korean in Silicon Valley, organized by Startup Alliance invited speakers who work or live in Silicon Valley. They also hold a Japan Boot Camp where the member work with Japan for a start up scene.

Startup Alliance has several Go Global plans, such as the BeGobal Seoul, Asia Fest 2014 @ Taipei and a Vienna Start-up Program. To activate the Korea ecosystem, they also have the power talk which is held monthly and also the power support where free servers infrastructure is given to the start-ups.

A lot of forums are created such as the Fintech Forum, IoT focum and the entrepreneurship education with OEC. Currently Gangnam is gaining more and more start-up. The most recent additional is the Google Campus. Naver and TIPS office will be up soon.

Startup Alliance mentioned that there are promising signal in the Korea start-up industry. That is because there is an influx of talent to startup from elite school (人), investment from overseas (资) and Korean startup get acquired (出). Some example of Korea companies that went global are:

  • KnowRe: implemented at 50 public school for math education
  • VCNC: Between
  • MEMEBOX: first startup accepted on Y combination program ($29M funding)


D can represent a a lot of words such as Dynamic, Dream, Driven. It is founded in 2013 and provide education, online & physical platform and investment. It act as a hub for Korean startup ecosystem.

They have a lot of amazing program such as the D.Lunch, D.Pay, D.Mentor, D.Match, Party, D.Cision, D.Crisis, Office Hours. P.Day is the event that startup pitch their idea to the sponsor. D.Party happen monthly and different subject was given each time. There’s also the D.Cision which focus on people who can’t decide if they should do a start-up. So with this program, they can see if they are suitable for start-up. I felt that D.Cision is important because you can get a feel of how doing startup will be like.

In 2014, D.CAMP host a largest scale of event named the Startup Nations Summit 2014 which contain 45 countries.

D.CAMP also mentioned that according to statistics, Korean students want to enter into startup (343) while only 304 want to work in big companies. However, their parents strongly want their child to work in the big company. The statistics show that 39.5 parents wanted their child to work in big company while only 13.6 want them to work in startup.

D.CAMP classified themselves as an ironman suit because they empowered entrepreneur and help them in their start up.


Zikto developed a wearable devices that detect your working posture. It also include other feature such as biometric because walking posture is unique and can be a password for everyone. They also have the smart home function whereby they will on the aircon when they realize that you are nearing. Other function such as Activity & Fitness Tracker, Body Balance Analysis.

Zikto has a nice design and is fashionable. The LED is hidden and they allow you to change the strap according to your mood. The future for Zikto is to move towards running posture. Currently Zikto only focus on 25-39 years old.

The working duration for Zikto is very long from 10am-11pm. However, when we are working in the company, we are still doing the company’s job. But if its own start-up, then it’s our own job.

VCNC - Between

"Couple's needs are universal, but dating culture is not" is a quotation mentioned by Edward. And I learnt that dating culture different by countries. Thus it is needed to have different marketing strategy for different target user group. It will be even more beneficial if you are able to become the part of the culture.

I also learnt that being the first start-up in that field, it may not be a disadvantage. Because for the Between application, they have other competitors. However, as they are the first start-up in that field, they have the first mover advantage whereby they gain supporter before their competitors.


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Day 3: The tour


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Day 3: The tour


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Day 3: The tour


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Day 3: The tour


Day 3: The tour

From my visit to the various companies, I learned the importance of gathering a large user base as it represents market dominance and that there are some strategies that can only be employed with a large number of users, for example to entice restaurants to pay your company for advertisements space in the application for marketing purposes. I also noticed an interesting fact that users are not like what they were a few years back where they downloaded every application they saw whereas nowadays due to the lack of storage space on mobile devices, users only download applications that are really useful and this means we should try to make our application as indispensable as possible.

I also learned 3 things to take note when starting a start-up which is 1) Whether the company is solving a big problem, 2) Do you have a team 3) Do you have the passion and hunger to execute your start-up. Lastly, i have also learned that understanding various cultures is very important in determining market strategy as needs may be similar across all users but how the needs are fulfilled could vary vastly due to very differing cultures.


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Day 3: The tour