2122T1 TSM/Participant Information/Tsang Bao Xian

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About Bao Xian

SMU email: bxtsang.2018@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook/Linkedin: FacebookLinkedIn
Academic Year: 2018
Degree: Information Systems (Software Development)
2nd Major: Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions

Bx photo.jpg

Why Travel Bubble TSM?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

I have always held a strong belief that technology is a tool that can solve many different problems in various communities and societies. However, with Singapore being a small country with a diverse population, the issues we face in our society is relatively unique. TSM provides the opportunity for me to explore different cultures and cities, to understand the situation in different places and how technology is being applied by companies to solve different sets of problems. I believe that this can broaden my perspective of technology and how it can support and improve different aspects of society from various communities.

Secondly, much of what we learnt in school is geared towards applying and managing technology in enterprise situations, where processes are well developed and mature. However, being someone who challenges norms, I find it very exciting to discover and create new and improved methods in doing things. The idea of start-ups appeal to me hugely, as they tend to bring fresh and innovative ideas to the real world, and strive to disrupt existing business models and methods to bring more value to their target audiences. TSM thus gives me the opportunity to learn more about how start-ups and how they work together or challenge their eco-systems, potentially giving more insight to a career path that I am interested in.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Consumer facing technology solutions companies interest me the most, because I find them very relevant to daily life and I can relate to the use cases of services or products developed by these businesses. I like improving communities in terms of bringing people closer to one another, and improving their lifestyle. I believe there is a huge potential for technology to improve these aspects, through creating useful and intuitive applications for people then using innovative methods of aggregating and analysing the data for creating more benefit to people's lifestyle.

  • What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

I am currently working on one idea as a side project, and if it is successful, we intend to develop the business model to create a sustainable product. In general, as it is my last year in university, I plan to work on various application ideas as projects, building my technical skills but also with a view of launching these applications to gain traction, while creating models that can be profitable. As part of this process, I intend to network with students and people from different backgrounds to widen my perspective and find like minded teammates to contribute to the ideas.

1. Group Meeting Application
Currently I have formed a team to build an application that facilitates group meetings in terms of scheduling and recommendation for activities. We plan to launch our application during the summer holidays, then getting local businesses on board the application and creating opportunities for advertising revenue, paid listings and activity booking kickbacks.

2. Habawaba Asia
In 2018, I formed a water polo events company that aimed to create more exciting events and competitions for the water polo community in Singapore. We ran various workshops, competitions and events, with the highlight being Habawaba Asia 2018, where we secured the licence for an international kids water polo festival and brought it to Singapore, becoming the first of this event in Asia and attracting over 150 participants from 6 countries.

Past Experiences (optional)

Junior Structured Enrichment, Accelerated Learning internship (PSA Singapore) - 2021 May to July and 2020 Dec

Software Product Sprint (Google) - 2020 Summer

Software Engineer Internship (Credid) - 2020 Summer

Web Developer (Safety@Work) - 2019 Summer

Founder / General Manager (Habawaba Asia) - 2017 to 2018

What keeps you ticking?

  • Giving back!

The chinese saying 饮水思源 resonates strongly with me! The different communities I grew up from developed me and made me who I am, and I want to pay it forward by improving myself, so that I am able to create more of such beneficial communities, and improve those that I came from.

  • Loved ones

These include my family and friends, and the people who have had a major impact in my life. I want to do the best I can to make all of them proud, and dedicate any achievements to them!