1920T2 NewYorkCity/Participant Information/Lim Pei Xuan

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About Pei Xuan

SMU email: peixuan.lim.2016@smu.edu.sg
Facebook: Pei Xuan Lim
Academic Year: 4
Degree: Information Systems
2nd Major: Analytics (Advanced Technology)


Why TSM New York City?

I have heard many good things from my peers that participated in various study missions - especially the immersive and eye-opening experience that other courses can not provide, and I hope to be able to experience it for myself before I graduate. In addition, I have a keen interest in the tech start-up scene and there is no better opportunity than a TSM to New York to learn more!

Starting a business

I have a variety of hobbies and interests spanning multiple industries that mostly function on traditional business practices, and often find myself spotting opportunities for disruption but never really had the know-how to try and execute them. I am particularly inclined towards digitalising business processes and increasing efficiency through technology, and hope to be able help the industries I care about reach greater heights.

Past Experiences

  • SAS Presales Intern

Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

  • Mediacorp Data Science Intern

Apr 2018 - Aug 2018

  • Singapore Exchange Business Excellence Intern

Sep 2015 - Jun 2016

What keeps you ticking?

Adrenaline. Diving the depths of the ocean, jumping off a plane, and everything else in between.