1718T2 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Rizudin
Revision as of 19:28, 12 October 2017 by Rizudinj.2016 (talk | contribs)
Rizudin Bin Jalar
Email: rizudinj.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Academic Year: Year 2
Degree: Information System
2nd Major: Haven't declared yet
One random fact: I'm mixed chinese and malay
Applying for Subsidy: Yes
Why TSM Silicon Valley?
- What motivates you to join TSM?
I would like to gain exposure and learning experiences outside classroom.
- Why pick Silicon Valley?
Anyone who aspires to build a successful company in future will want to visit Silicon Valley to observe how successful companies operate on a daily basis and what habits and cultures do they have that enables them to build successful companies.
On top of that, I hope to meet like-minded people who are passionate about startups and technology. I would like to know how they think and take actions towards their goals.
- Ideal role in the trip:
Itinerary Planner, Hotel Info or Room