Freda Tan Yi Cui

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About Freda Tan Yi Cui


Name: Freda Tan Yi Cui
Academic Year: 3
Degree: BSc in Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Operations Management

What are my hobbies?: I have many interests. I play drums, I dance, I cycle, I swim.
What CCA am I in?: Samba Masala & Eurhythmix
More about me: My Facebook or follow me on instagram @FFFrankour
Email me at:

Why TSM South Korea

* What motivates you to join TSM

The motivation behind joining TSM for me is the fact that I will be able to see how things work in high tech companies and how they manage the challenges faced. I believe joining TSM will broaden my perspectives and learn about how things can be done differently as demonstrated by the other countries and not being constrained by the local practices of doing things. Besides, TSM takes learning out of the classroom and we are able to apply what we have learnt to real life!

* Why pick South Korea

South Korea is recognized as the world's top ranking technology market by the UN. It amazes me that how South Korea is able to rise up the technology ranking by so much within the past 2 years and slowing closing up the gap between them and the technology giants United States and Japan.

With TSM providing me with this opportunity to understand how the technology in South Korea market is like, I am more than excited to be part of this study mission and immerse myself in the South Korea culture!


Internship Opportunities

*What types of internship opportunities interest you? I am interested in any internship opportunities that involves project management and managing a project. I would prefer to have a job scope which involves interacting and talking to various stakeholders, gathering client's requirements and translating them into tasks for a project team to handle.

*Any ideal firms (based in South Korea) that you wishes to join?

Starting a business

*What types of business interest you?

I am interested in 2 kinds of businesses

  1. Innovation that provides solutions for existing everyday problems that we face.
  2. Starting up a little cafe where students and working class people can take a break or even provide a suitable ambiance for them to work here

*What plan do you have in starting a business? (list existing business)

Past experiences

  • Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc