Goh Shu Yi, Clarissa

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About clarissa goh


Name: Goh Shu Yi Clarissa
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advance Business Technology (Without Track)
CCA: SMU Handball-Competitive (2012-2013), SMU Information Systems Society ( Publications Sub-Committee,2011-2013)
Interests: Riding motorcycles, sports (any kind of sports!), gaming, reading, languages, motorcycle customization
Facebook: Chillin' HERE
Email Address: clarissagoh.2011@sis.smu.edu.sg

Why TSM South Korea?

What motivates ME to join TSM?

KOREAN FOOD No wait, I meant the opportunity to learn about new innovations from one of the epicenters of technology is an overwhelmingly attractive one that I would love to be part of. =) In addition, South Korea's startup scene is extremely vibrant, which makes for an interesting research point to discover how these companies are able to sustain and thrive in such a hyper-competitive market. That aside, South Korea is well-known for being one of the most wired countries in the world that supports a huge gaming scene, many of which are online and I would like to learn how companies in the Korean gaming industry create and innovate to provide high-quality gaming for their consumers.

WHY South Korea?

Intership opportunities

WHAT internship opportunities am I interested in?

Ideal firms based in South Korea that I would like to join

Starting a business

WHAT types of business am I interested in?

My plans for starting a business!

Past experiences