1415T2g1 South Korea/Project Teams/Team 4/Companies

From IS427
Revision as of 17:57, 5 February 2015 by Twmyint.2012 (talk | contribs)
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TSM2015Small Logo.png                    IS427: Technopreneurship Study Mission South korea                                     


Course Info

Trip Itinerary

Cast & Roles

Project Teams



About Us Our Companies Our Reflection

Progress Updates
Date Action
27th Jan Sent a request email to BETWEEN & SYNRGIC
29th Jan
  • Received reply from BETWEEN and discussing for the schedule
  • Received call from SYNRGIC Singapore branch and discussing for the schedule
5th Feb Confirmed the trip schedule with BETWEEN


Company Name

About Company

Vision & Mission

Learning Points


P.S <insert more sections based on the research>