1415T1g1 Silicon Vallley/Participant Information/Teams/Team6

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Revision as of 11:30, 17 October 2014 by Muhammadmf.2011 (talk | contribs)
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Mus and Hakam
Companies We're Contacting
Contact Us

If you have any "lobang" or information that would help us in contacting and negotiating with the companies, please contact us:

Name Mobile Email
Mustaqim 91050406 muhammadmf.2011@sis.smu.edu.sg
Hakam 83339907 Example

Company mashape.png

About Mashape

Co-Founded by Marco Palladino, Augusto Marietti and Michele Zonca, Mashape is a marketplaca for API's. They provide both public and private APIs that customers can consume for free or for a small fee. Appearing online on 17 November 2010 with just 3 APIs, Mashape added an average of 2 new APIs every 10 days. Now, with exposure to the international market, they are adding 2 new APIs per day, resulting in 10,000+ public and private APIs available for consumption.

The Italian start-up (formerly called Mashup), moved to San Francisco in 2009 after failing to raise venture capital money for 2 years in Italy. Even when coming to San Francisco with no money, they managed to get funding for their project within 19 days. However, it wasn't easy for them even with the funding of US$101,000. The co-founders lived in other people's homes though Airbnb or rented studio apartments. During the early days in San Francisco, they lived with an income of US$1,166 per month.

In 2011, Mashape managed to raise US$1.5 million in seed funding. Prior to that, they had acquisition offers by 2 companies but were undeterred.It was around this period that they have started to earn some revenue from their monetization plan. Mashape aims to be a "unified broker" for API services and data. With the growing trend of APIs being a major part in the world of IT, Mashape will continue to grow in the future.

Our Approach

How did we contact the company

Progress Updates
Date Action
October 2014 We will visit Mashape on 10 December 2014 at 3.30pm

Bittorrent logo.png

About BitTorrent
Our Approach

How did we contact the company

Progress Updates
Date Action
October 2014 We will visit Mashape on 10 December 2014 at 3.30pm