1415T2g1 South Korea/Participant Information/Yap Yi Fang
About Me
Name: Yap Yi Fang
SMU email: yifang.yap.2013@economics.smu.edu.sg
Academic Year: Year 2
Degree: Economics
Interests: Photography, Travelling, Movies, Music
Why TSM South Korea?
* Why Technopreneurship?
*What motivates you to join TSM?
I feel that going for a TSM will enhance my learning experience in university as you get to see how the different companies work. It is not just about classroom learning but learning from the actual business world. Also, I think learning from start up companies is particularly insightful because to be successful, they need to be innovative and differentiate themselves from other companies. There is a lot to learn from start up companies and I hope that I will be given the chance to learn from them.
* Why pick South Korea?
South Korea is one of the important technology hubs in the world with huge names like Samsung and LG. I believe that there is a lot to learn from the companies in South Korea. The Korean culture is also very interesting and rich with the chaebols companies, so it’s quite interesting to find out more about these companies as well.
Internship Opportunities
* What types of internship opportunities interest you?
I am open to any type of opportunities given to me!
* Any ideal firms (based in South Korea) that you wish to join?
Kakao, Samsung, Lotte
Starting a business
* What types of business interest you?
I’m interested in businesses related to tourism and hospitality. I think that it is a growing industry and there is a lot to explore from there.
* What plan do you have in starting a business?
I plan to use mobile applications to connect with tourists or even locals on tourism and hospitality related events in Singapore.
Past Experiences
- Describe your past experience (entrepreneurship, or works in start ups etc)
I do not have any past experiences yet but I hope to be able to gain that experience through this trip.