1415T1g1 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/Mohamed Safiullah

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About Safi

Mohamed Safiullah

Academic Year: 3
Degree: Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advanced Business Technology
Interests: Movies/TV Series (Action, Romance, Comedy, SciFi), Reading (Technology, Inventions, Engineering)
Past Commitments:

  • SMU SISS (Creative Executive for Web)
  • SMU innovateIT 2013 (Events Executive)
  • SMU innovateIT 2014 (President)

Email: mohameds.2012@sis.smu.edu.sg
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Why TSM Silicon Valley

Internship Opportunities

Starting A Business

Past Experiences

Since young I have leveraged on small opportunities to create entrepreneurial value, be it offering a school canteen to classroom food delivery service at my secondary school, write a program to consolidate educational questionnaires from the internet to be distributed as pre-examination practises or freelance as a web/mobile app developer and consultant.

During my polytechnic, my friend and I attempted to launch a one-stop wedding services site called, "Diari Pengantin" (The Wedding Diary). Start-up was a new scene in Singapore back then and we faced many challenges in procuring sponsorship and the market to develop and deliver our website. Although this initial start-up venture was eventually put in hiatus, I would continue to value the humbling and enriching experience I had while working on this project.