OISHI! Smart Education
Smart Education
About Smart Education
Founded in 2011 by CEO-Daigo Ikeya, Smart Education is a developer of educational mobile apps for young children, and the axiom of the company is to create products that improve the quality of communication between parents and children. Seeing how young children these days are extremely tech savvy (kids these days all know how to use ipads and smartphones), it was natural for a company like Smart Education to leverage on mobile applications as teaching tools. As of 2013, they have hit a total of 5 million app downloads and is one of the top app developer for educational apps in Japan.
Their Investors
Work Culture
They have a very open and flat culture, with lots of sharing going on between employees, which is different from the traditional Japanese hierarchical structure.
Maybe instead of looking into the North American market they could look at one that is closer – the Korean market. For one it is the most connected country in the world, with a big mobile culture. Secondly, a lot of Japanese companies have made successful Korean crossovers, such as Gungho entertainment’s Puzzles and Dragons which is a mobile game available in Google Play and the App Store. In addition, with a market that is more culturally relevant to Japan’s, the related risks of expanding to a completely different cultural market is reduced as well. With huge amounts of investments into education, Singapore would make a good test bed as well, since the government has plans to make learning more interactive through the use of technology. The Ayer Rajah area is also home to a growing community of mobile game companies, the most famous of which is Nonstop games which was founded by Juha Paananen, the brother of the founder of Supercell which makes clash of clans, so there is a mobile developer community (together with game expertise) to leverage on (Ootagaki Kei,the producer for Gocco used to work for DeNA). Of course, there would be a need for individuals with game development experience on Gocco products.