2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Koh Rui Xin

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About Myself

SMU email: ruixin.koh.2020@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rui-xin-koh/
Academic Year: Year 4 (2024)
Degree: BSc Computing & Law

Photo 2023-04-11 02.01.25.jpg
  • What motivates you to join TSM?

Japan's culture of cutting-edge technology and customer-centric innovation makes it a destination rich with areas for learning. TSM will provide us with the valuable opportunity to immerse ourselves in such a culture, and from the front seat of a start up. To me the fast paced and dynamic environment is an exciting one which pushes me to learn hands-on and quickly, and the uncharted paths provides the potential for creativity and innovation.

  • Where would you like to visit?

Tokyo: Fujitsu, Softbank, Ghibli, Calbee, Suntory Distillery, Mitsubishi, Preferred Networks Inc

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

I enjoy exploring businesses which create innovative solutions to increase efficiency of processes. It is awe-inspiring to see how dramatically the time for processes can be decreased via automation. As a Computing and Law student, I am particularly interested in businesses providing legal tech solutions to help law firms digitalise, from automation of the more mundane legal processes, to the aiding of lawyers in higher level decision making using AI.

  • What plans do you have in starting a business?

One idea that I have is a business providing legal tech solutions to law firms. As this is currently an emerging field, there is much unrealised potential. However in general, my ideas lie in automation and reducing the need for unnecessary or unproductive work, to free up manpower for more value-adding tasks.

Past Experiences (optional)


  • KPMG - Cyber Security Intern: Years May '23 - Nov '23
  • Louis Vuitton - Managing Process Improvements partner: Years Jan '23 - May '23
  • Lazada - Legal Operations Intern: Years June '21 - Aug '21


  • SMU Legal Tech and Innovation Club - Tech Development Director Years Jan '23 - Dec '23
  • SMU Business Intelligence and Analytics Club - Member Jan '22 - Present
  • SMU ExploreSCIS - Events Director Years Aug '21 - Dec '21