2324T1 Tokyo/Participant Information/Jowett Chng Kai Cheng

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Express Yourself

About Jowett

SMU email: jowett.chng.2020@scis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jowett-chng/
Academic Year: Year 3 (2020)
Degree: BSc Information Systems (BA & DCS) & Msc Computing (Software & Cyber-Physical Systems)

Why Virtual TSM?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

As I'm approaching the end of my studies at SMU, it's natural to start thinking about career goals and possible future achievements. One exciting area to me, is to explore is the world of start-ups and entrepreneurship, which is constantly evolving and innovating across different cultures and markets. By understanding how start-ups operate in different cultures as compared to Singapore, I believe I can gain valuable insights into different work cultures and the various areas of the technology sector that they are innovating in. I believe through this experience/opportunity I can broaden my horizons and apply them first-hand.

  • Where would you like to visit?


Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

I'm fascinated by technology companies, specifically those platform ones that cause disruption, creating a new market instead of focusing on existing competition (quote from Blue Ocean strategy - Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim). Companies such as Uber and Airbnb are examples. Uber disrupted the taxi industry by solving the pain points of consumers which are unfixed prices and lack of immediate service. They essentially created a de facto standard for the rest of their competitors with their technology. Hence I'm interested in technology-driven solution type of business

  • What plans do you have in starting a business?

I founded a web development start (https://webbrickssg.com) in 2020 amid covid. The majority of clients are SMEs or start-ups. Some of the more reputable organisations we provide a service to are NUHs and Anytime Fitness.

Past Experiences (optional)

Start Ups:

  • Webbrickssg Solutions Pte Ltd (https://webbrickssg.com/), does development as a service - Founder: me. Aug '20 - present



Company name (website) What it does? Founders: Name. Years: May '22 - Aug '22 Internships:

Startup company - Role: Years May '22 - Aug '22 CCA:

Startup club - Role: Years May '22 - Aug '22