IS427:AY1314T1 Europe (G1) - Organizations: Ghent: Zeticon

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About Us


Zeticon is a media asset management platform that helps media intensive companies to manage digital asset such as storage, retrieval and distribution. Their aim is to help customers address the needs of modern-day media consumers while controlling privacy and security issues. MediaHaven is a (private) SaaS solution for media asset management that helps you manage the storage, retrieval, and distribution of digital media assets. Designed as a SaaS solution from the start, it offers unparalleled cost-efficiency and scalability.


Enprove was founded by Bruno Van Den Bossche[1].

Business Model

Zeticon offers 2 main products of varied options:

  • Mediahaven Pro
Subscription model
  • Mediahaven Studio
  1. Installation fees
  2. Licensing

Innovation & Technology

Value Proposition (Pro)

  • Easily manage large number of digital assets at a fraction of costs
  • Benefits of cloud
  1. No upfront infrastructure costs
  2. No IT support costs
  3. Easily scalable
  4. Reliable
  5. Allow businesses to focus on business solely

Value Proposition (Studio)

  • Easily manage large number of digital assets
  • Benefits of private cloud
  1. Scalable
  2. Reliable
  3. Allow businesses to focus on business
  4. Customisability
  5. Increased data privacy
Marketing Strategy
  • Target Market
  1. (Pro) SMEs, public entities
  2. (Studio) Broadcasters, content creators
  • Promotion
  1. Brochure
  2. Promotional video
  3. Participations in conventions & exhibitions


  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  1. Application & data is hosted by Zeticon
  2. Updates & maintenance managed by Zeticon
  3. Client accesses through the Internet
  4. No installation/set up needed


  • Private cloud SaaS
  1. Application & data is hosted by client
  2. Updates & maintenance managed by client
  3. Client accesses through the Internet or Intranet
  4. Customisable
  5. Allows integration with existing systems


  • Analytics
  1. Plugin engine
  2. Search across large volume of unstructured data
  • Faceted Search
  • Natural Language Processing



Business Expansion Strategy


  • Introduce novice-friendly flavour
    • Simplified interface
    • Reduced functionality, limited storage
    • Free
    • Capture market share of amateur content creators
    • Convert them to paying users when their needs grow


  • Target emerging market without entrenched competitors
  • Reach untapped consumers
  • Easier entry without data migration hassles

Asia Entry Strategy

Why Asia?

  • Wide recognition of cloud computing
  • Prevalence of cost-cutting measures
  • Hi-speed Internet infrastructures in place


  • Indonesia
    • The next big thing in digital media
    • Large number of upcoming content creators
    • Green field opportunities

How to enter?

  • Partnerships with emerging cloud providers
    • Cloud computing is still taking off in Indonesia
      • Slow user adoption
      • Lack of knowledge of cloud business model
    • Zeticon can help demonstrate the value
  • Indonesian Cloud
    • Cloud provider
    • Currently resells collaboration, ERP and finance SaaS
    • Has a slew of clients in the content creation sectors
    • Zeticon can resell their software under Indonesian Cloud

Adaptation required

  • Focus on private SaaS segment
    • “.. Indonesian customers still have no trust to put their data outside their local site...several reasons came up to this issue, such as security, confidentiality, etc..”
    • “...for example, in order to be able to use our cloud services … we suggested our client to lease a bandwidth capacity of minimal 5 Mbps, which cost 12 million rupiahs a month... can you imagine how we can provide our cloud services to the SMEs...”