Goh Shu Yi, Clarissa

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About clarissa goh


Name: Goh Shu Yi Clarissa
Academic Year: 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
2nd Major: Advance Business Technology (Without Track)
CCA: SMU Handball-Competitive (2012-2013), SMU Information Systems Society ( Publications Sub-Committee,2011-2013)
Interests: Riding motorcycles, sports (any kind of sports!), gaming, reading, languages, motorcycle customization
Facebook: Chillin' HERE
Email Address: clarissagoh.2011@sis.smu.edu.sg

Why TSM South Korea?

What motivates ME to join TSM? WHY South Korea?

Gunbound logo.gif

KOREAN FOOD No wait, I meant the opportunity to learn about new innovations from one of the epicenters of technology is an overwhelmingly attractive one that I would love to be part of. =) In addition, South Korea's startup scene is extremely vibrant, which makes for an interesting research point to discover how these companies are able to sustain and thrive in such a hyper-competitive market. That aside, GAMES. South Korea is well-known for being one of the most wired countries in the world that supports a huge gaming scene (Softnyx and Nexon being the more prominent ones), many of which are online and I would like to learn how companies in the Korean gaming industry create and innovate to provide high-quality gaming for their consumers and this gives a better idea of gaming trends in the Asian region. Huge entrepreneurship + gaming scene...you can see where I'm going with this. And yes, KOREAN FOOD and culture.

Intership opportunities

Internship opportunities

An internship at one of Nexon or Softnyx is without doubt a first choice, although given the vibrance of Korea's business and technology scene, an internship at any of Korea's brand name companies would prove to be a valuable experience.

Starting a business

Interested Industries : • Gaming • Business Analytics (in games) • Green energy technologies

Business Plans

Given my passion for gaming and the increase in the number of gaming startups in Singapore, I would like to explore the option of game development, more specifically mobile games as it is a relatively new platform with lots of potential. I am currently in a partnership with Innotech Singapore to explore the option of setting up a game development company in Singapore.

Past experiences


Ubisoft - International Game Developer
GhostReconOnline AssassinsCreed Crossover 0001.jpg

Although Ubisoft is far from the description of a startup, my internship there this summer (2013) yielded many insights into game development. I worked on Ghost Recon Online(http://www.ghostrecononline.com), a free-to-play tactical multiplayer shooter game which has a user base of up to 10,000 active players and was mainly involved in technical operations. Game development on the project was relatively similar to that of startups as it was an immensely creative environment, and everyone on the project was constantly and actively involved in the game development from conceptualisation to design to testing and implementation. Even though the main responsibility of my role was to ensure the availability of the game, I have participated in the previously mentioned aspects of game development.

Sticky Singapore - Traditional Rock Candy


Sticky Singapore (http://www.sticky.com.sg/) is a local startup specialising in handmade rock candy established in 2008. Working at Sticky has provided me with an understanding of the processes and hard work involved in creating a successful startup which required a higher involvement of staff in every business aspect from customer service to marketing (such as leveraging on social media) and managing a fast-expanding business.