1819T2 Hong Kong/Reflection

From IS427
Revision as of 11:21, 25 January 2019 by Debbie.lee.2016 (talk | contribs) (added comments on length of reflection recommended by prof)
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Day 1 Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Guidelines for Reflections
Reflection on your trip visit
  1. Key takeaways (2) or learning points from the organization
  2. Quotes from presenter/senior management/owner/founder
  3. Recommendation on how the trip can be improved further
  4. Keep to one paragraph
Academic Integrity

All acts of academic dishonesty (including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, facilitation of acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of exam questions, or tampering with the academic work of other students) are serious offences. All work (whether oral or written) submitted for purposes of assessment must be the student’s own work. Penalties for violation of the policy range from zero marks for the component assessment to expulsion, depending on the nature of the offense.

When in doubt, students should consult the instructors of the course. Details on the SMU Code of Academic Integrity may be accessed at http://www.smuscd.org/resources.html.

Grades Breakdown
No Time Frame Topics Assessment Type Weighting
1 Pre-Trip Research on Organization Team 20%
2 Trip planning Individual 20%
3 Trip Discussion & Presentation Individual 20%
4 Trip role Individual 20%
5 Reflection Individual 10%
6 All Wiki, Blog & Photos Individual 10%