1819T2 Hong Kong/Participant Information/Bernadine Lye

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About Bernadine


SMU email: shlye.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: Bernadine Lye
LinkedIn: Bernadine Lye
Academic Year: 2016, Year 3
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Information Systems)
2nd Major: Analytics (Advanced Technology)
One random fact: ???
Applying for Subsidy: Yes

Why TSM Hong Kong?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

I personally enjoy travelling and I believe the Study Mission will help develop a different outlook towards travel - one that goes beyond the beautiful sights and physical landscapes of a city. In joining the TSM, I hope to get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial, technological and business landscapes of the country and the way of lives of people living in another part of the world. The study mission is also a unique opportunity to be exposed to and interact with different companies as to what we're used to in Singapore - and to better understand these companies and their motivations first-hand (with company visits). It would provide a great platform for experiential learning, and is an invaluable opportunity I would be honored, if given the opportunity, to experience.

  • Why pick Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is a bustling city, very much similar to Singapore as an economic powerhouse in Asia. It's unique position beside China makes it a desirable country for business operations without the complexities of the Chinese economy, especially as China is rapidly advancing in the technology scene. Hong Kong also has a booming startup culture and increasing support for technological innovations and research, with infrastructure such as the Hong Kong Science Park. I was intrigued when I learned that the recently-popular logistics solutions company LALAMOVE was founded in Hong Kong. Hong Kong may not be on the top of the list when you talk about a "high tech" country, however, it would be interesting to better understand the entrepreneurship and technology landscape of the country and see how Hong Kong is trying to catch up in order to remain as an economic powerhouse. It would also be insightful to discover how a versatile economy and landscape like Hong Kong thrives under its circumstances and provides support for entrepreneurship.

  • Ideal role in the trip:

Itinerary Planner / Companies / Designer

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Ecommerce, Healthcare Technology, Analytics

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

Currently, I do not have a concrete business plan in mind. I hope to first gather sufficient skills and knowledge before plummeting into starting my own business. I believe that in starting a business, one has to find an opportunity. I am still in search for that opportunity or that one genius idea that may come to mind one day. It may be something in our everyday lives, or something unconventional. Till then, I am very open-minded to trying new things and exploring to open my eyes to the world and discover a problem that I can solve.

Past Experiences (Relevant)

1) SMU Living Analytics Research Centre
- Student Intern in Summer 2017
- Student Assistant from August 2017 - April 2018
- Assisted researchers at the Living Analytics Research Centre with data handling, applying data analytics on a variety of datasets and deriving insights from the analysis.
- Main project during the internship encompassed utilising machine learning techniques and training classifiers to classify data into different categories for the Singapore Municipal Services Office

2) SMU - Research Assistant for IS102 - Computer as an Analysis Tool AY1819T1

3) About to embark on BSM Taiwan in AY1819T1!

What keeps you ticking

Family, Friends and Happiness