1819T2 Hong Kong/Participant Information/

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About Katrina Adrianne

SMU email: katrinai.2015@socsc.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katstify
Academic Year: 2015
Degree: Political Science, School of Social Sciences
2nd Major: Global Asia
One funny fact: I am allergic to latex - so no balloons hahah

Why TSM Hong Kong?

Hong Kong, just like Singapore, is a fast-paced country characterised by extortionate costs of living, especially for the housing sector. It's role as the 'doorstep to China' makes it even more interesting, especially with the current BRI of China. This TSM allows me a chance to learn more about this booming industry, and one of the most important regions of the world today, which isn't an opportunity offered by the other Study Mission trips of SMU currently.

What kind of business interests you?

Businesses that link low income, low technology brackets, with current technology systems today Businesses that have a focus on making livelihoods and life itself easier for the non-mainstream market

What drives you?

People drive me. The world is created of such a vast assortment of people. I genuinely believe life in Singapore is stuck in a snow-globe - beautiful and impenetrable. But the outside world is chaotic, messy, and has a lot more uncertainties. To bring a little bit more organization and solution to them and their problems, is what drives me. I believe we all have an inherent responsibility to our society to give back, given the privilege we have received.

Why TSM Hong Kong?

  • What motivates you to join TSM? ???
  • Why pick Hong Kong? ???
  • Ideal role in the trip: Refer to Role

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you? ???
  • What plan do you have in starting a business? ???

Past Experiences (optional)


What keeps you ticking?
