1718T2 Silicon Valley/Participant Information/GohJinQiang

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Jin Qiang Goh


SMU email: jqgoh.2016@sis.smu.edu.sg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jinqiang.goh
Academic Year: 2
Degree: Information Systems
2nd Major: N.A
One random fact: Dream of cycling around the world
Applying for Subsidy: No

Why TSM Silicon Valley?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

Expanding my worldview of technology scene in the other countries. A trip to meet new people, a chance for opportunities to learn and interact with talented and motivated technology leaders. Such opportunities and insights offers easy access to free flow of vital information about technical developments, path-breaking advancements, and next-generation technologies.

  • Why pick Silicon Valley?

As a technology enthusiast, Silicon Valley will always be at the top of the list to visit. The birthplace for the heart and soul of computer technology, including silicon chip technology, computer design, apps and smartphone, smart everything. It is a place where many major tech giants have established their headquarters, a place where success breeds success, a place full of opportunities for networking and specialization. Not forgetting to lookout for internship opportunities to learn from the best.

  • Ideal role in the trip:

Lobang king - Experienced in logistics. Always love to do the groundwork, a vital background role to get the things to make this trip a memorable experience.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?


  • What plan do you have in starting a business?


Past Experiences (optional)


What keeps you ticking?
