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<div style="background: #025EA1; padding: 15px; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #0d3963 solid 32px;"><font color="white"> Progress Updates</font></div>
<div style="background: #025EA1; padding: 15px; font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.3em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #0d3963 solid 32px;"><font color="white"> Progress Updates</font></div>
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<div style="background: #025EA1; padding: 15px; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #0d3963 solid 32px;"><font color="white"> Companies</font></div><br/>
<div style="background: #025EA1; padding: 15px; font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.3em; text-indent: 15px; border-left: #0d3963 solid 32px;"><font color="white"> Companies</font></div><br/>
== Company Name ==
==<div style="background: #2E3535; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;"><font color= "#ffffff" face="impact"> Company </font><font color="#EED82E" face="impact"> Seoul TOPIS</font></div>==
==<div style="background: #2E3535; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:Seoul TOPIS Logo.png|500px|center]]</div>==
=== About Company ===
=== <font color="#2E3535" face="impact" size="6px"> About Company </font> ===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
Seoul TOPIS, an integrated transport information and service system, launched in 2004 to support government officials in shaping sophisticated transport policy through collection and analysis of real-time data. The TOPIS-data based information service helps passengers to better plan their journeys and select the best modes of transportation by flagging congestion areas, giving estimated travel times, and providing bus arrival and waiting times.
=== Vision & Mission ===
TOPIS key functions include data collection and integration, operation and control, information pooling and usage, improved service and information sharing, mitigation of traffic congestion, incident management, using data for policy making, remote enforcement for illegal parking, and bus management.
=== Learning Points ===
=== References ===
===<font size="5" face="gotham">What motivates Seoul TOPIS</font>===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
When public transportation companies in crisis were not able to provide good service for users, more citizens took to the streets in small cars – worsening the situation. As streets become increasingly congested and bus companies continued to suffer, Seoul City decided to transform the bus system into a quasi-public operation
===<font size="5" face="gotham" >Strategy</font>===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
*Transform bus system into a quasi-public operation
*Upgrade system to manage not only buses, but also all other transit-related system (excluding traffic signals)
===<font size="5" face="gotham" >Timeline</font>===
[[File:TOPIS Timeline.PNG|1000px|center]]
''<b>P.S <insert more sections based on the research></b>''
===<font size="5" face="gotham" >Organization</font>===
[[File:TOPIS Organization.png|500px|center]]
===<font size="5" face="gotham" >Solution</font>===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
* TOPIS Center manages and gathers information from all public transportation in Seoul
* Center’s success derives from establishing scientific transportation policies based on collected data
===<font size="5" face="gotham" >Impact</font>===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
*Data collection allows Seoul City to conduct new analysis that wasn’t possible before
*Bus companies benefit from establishment of fair and transparent competition system
*One unit integrated fare program improve service by allowing bus and subway riders to use all transit systems with only one card
*Satisfaction rate for public transportation as grown from less than 50 percent to 85-90 percent
===<font color="#2E3535" face="impact" size="6px">How it Works</font>===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
Enormous amount of data from road and video sensors, GPS, Taxi cab credit card readers, citizen and driver report, Wi-Fi networks, CCTV and unattended surveillance devices are processed by the Center’s databases. This real-time information is then distributed to citizens via smartphone apps, signboards at the bus stops and a web portal
=== <font color="#2E3535" face="impact" size="6px"> Vision </font> ===
[[File:TOPIS value.PNG|700px|center]]
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
=== <font color="#2E3535" face="impact" size="6px"> Learning Points </font> ===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
- Support private tech companies in their efforts to expand abroad<br/>
The municipal government is sparing no efforts to support related businesses in exporting their intelligent transport management technologies.
As the city annually receives as many as 1,300 foreign officials a year, it has built the ITS-Friendship where Korean intelligent transportation system firms get connected and socialized with the foreign city officials.
- Standardize the ITS Utilizing its technology and experience<br/>
Seoul plans to develop a standard platform for an intelligent transport system and apply it to other domestic governments and share it with foreign cities. Using a standard platform will help many foreign cities to introduce intelligent transportation system without much initial investment, even though they might lack the necessary skills and experience.
=== <font color="#2E3535" face="impact" size="6px">  References </font> ===
<font size="3.5" face="gotham">
==<div style="background: #2E3535; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;"><font color= "#ffffff" face="impact"> Company </font><font color="#EED82E" face="impact"> KBS </font></div>==
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:KBS logo.png|300px|center]]</div><br>
<div style="background: #FA5882; padding: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing:-0em;font-size:24px"><font color=#FFFFFF>About KBS</font></div>
KBS today is different from when it started in 1926. Managed by the Cho Dae-hyun - the current President and CEO of KBS - KBS is now the largest television network in <br> Korea! It has up to 6 radio channels, 8 TV channels, 4 digital multimedia broadcasting channels and 2 international channels!<br><br>
KBS is well known for producing variety shows differently, and the audience love that its variety shows are more natural and less scripted! The entertainment value keeps its <br> audience hooked and keep coming back for more! Personally, I enjoyed watching Return of the Superman!! <br><br>
'''Mission <br>
Living by the mission <b>"Creative Media You Trust"</b>, KBS ensures the following as well: <br> <br>
1. We represent Korea as the nation’s flagship broadcaster <br>
2. We produce top-quality content <br>
3. We provide beneficial service without discrimination <br>
4. We contribute to democratic formation of public opinion and social integration <br>
5. We enhance Korean cultural values <br><br>
'''Vision <br>
KBS aims to <b>"Rock the World"</b> by taking it <b>"Beyond TV"</b>!<br><br>
'''Values <br>
KBS values their audience the most. Thus, they ensure that the following core values are met: <br>
1. <b>Impartiality</b>: We pledge to be impartial <br>
2. <b>Innovation</b>: We continuously innovate and create <br>
3. <b>Passion</b>: Passion is our power <br>
4. <b>Communication</b>: One KBS! We communicate <br><br>
<div style="background: #FA5882; padding: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing:-0em;font-size:24px"><font color=#FFFFFF>KBS' Core Business</font></div>
KBS places its focus on: <br>
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:KBS Core.JPG|550px]]</div><br>
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:KBS Core Business.JPG|700px]]</div><br><br>
<div style="background: #FA5882; padding: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing:-0em;font-size:24px"><font color=#FFFFFF>KBS' Structre</font></div>
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:KBS Structure.JPG|500px]]</div><br><br>
<div style="background: #FA5882; padding: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing:-0em;font-size:24px"><font color=#FFFFFF>KBS' Organisational Chart</font></div>
'''Main Station <br>
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:KBS Main Station.JPG|600px]]</div><br>
'''Local Station <br>
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; padding: 15px; line-height: 1em;font-size:23px;">[[File:KBS Local Station.JPG|600px]]</div><br><br>
<div style="background: #FA5882; padding: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing:-0em;font-size:24px"><font color=#FFFFFF>KBS' Latest News</font></div>
'''42nd anniversary <br>
KBS celebrates its 42nd anniversary as a public sector broadcaster this March! Congrats KBS! <br><br>
'''MOU between KBS and Daum Kakao <br>
Last month, KBS has signed a MOU with the 2nd largest Web Portal Communications - Daum - and the number 1 in the mobile messenger firm - Kakao! The merger of Daum <br> and Kakao has brought about a 71% increase in their operating profits in the last quarter of the year. The operating profits increased significantly to SGD$59 million! <br>
We hope that the new agreement between KBS and Daum Kakao will bring KBS to greater heights and more profits! <br><br>
'''Launch of Creative Content Center <br>
In the last quarter of last year, KBS launched its first Creative Content Center to better plan, produce and manage innovative content to enhance its production standard. <br> With this new center, they aim to capture both local and global audiences effectively.<br><br>
<div style="background: #FA5882; padding: 25px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0.3em; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing:-0em;font-size:24px"><font color=#FFFFFF>References</font></div>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Broadcasting_System <br>
http://kbs.listedcompany.com/misc/AR/20140325-KBS-AR2013-EN-02.pdf <br>
http://english.kbs.co.kr/about/overview_01.html <br>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Broadcasting_System <br>
http://english.kbs.co.kr/about/overview_02.html <br>
http://english.kbs.co.kr/about/Latest_at.html?page=1&No=8008452 <br>
http://world.kbs.co.kr/english/news/news_Ec_detail.htm?No=102795 <br>
http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/Article.aspx?aid=3000897 <br>
http://english.kbs.co.kr/about/Latest_at.html?page=1&No=8008402 <br><br>

Latest revision as of 08:53, 13 March 2015

TSM2015Small Logo.png                    IS427: Technopreneurship Study Mission South korea                                     


Course Info

Trip Itinerary

Cast & Roles

Project Teams



About Us Our Companies Our Reflection

Progress Updates
Date Action
28th Jan 2015 Sent a request email to Seoul TOPIS
31st Jan 2015 Sent FB Message to Seoul TOPIS
3rd Feb 2015 Sent an follow up email and FB Message to Seoul TOPIS
4th Feb 2015 Confirmed the trip schedule with Seoul TOPIS via FB

Company Seoul TOPIS

Seoul TOPIS Logo.png

About Company

Seoul TOPIS, an integrated transport information and service system, launched in 2004 to support government officials in shaping sophisticated transport policy through collection and analysis of real-time data. The TOPIS-data based information service helps passengers to better plan their journeys and select the best modes of transportation by flagging congestion areas, giving estimated travel times, and providing bus arrival and waiting times.

TOPIS key functions include data collection and integration, operation and control, information pooling and usage, improved service and information sharing, mitigation of traffic congestion, incident management, using data for policy making, remote enforcement for illegal parking, and bus management.

What motivates Seoul TOPIS

When public transportation companies in crisis were not able to provide good service for users, more citizens took to the streets in small cars – worsening the situation. As streets become increasingly congested and bus companies continued to suffer, Seoul City decided to transform the bus system into a quasi-public operation


  • Transform bus system into a quasi-public operation
  • Upgrade system to manage not only buses, but also all other transit-related system (excluding traffic signals)


TOPIS Timeline.PNG


TOPIS Organization.png


  • TOPIS Center manages and gathers information from all public transportation in Seoul
  • Center’s success derives from establishing scientific transportation policies based on collected data


  • Data collection allows Seoul City to conduct new analysis that wasn’t possible before
  • Bus companies benefit from establishment of fair and transparent competition system
  • One unit integrated fare program improve service by allowing bus and subway riders to use all transit systems with only one card
  • Satisfaction rate for public transportation as grown from less than 50 percent to 85-90 percent

How it Works

Enormous amount of data from road and video sensors, GPS, Taxi cab credit card readers, citizen and driver report, Wi-Fi networks, CCTV and unattended surveillance devices are processed by the Center’s databases. This real-time information is then distributed to citizens via smartphone apps, signboards at the bus stops and a web portal



Learning Points

- Support private tech companies in their efforts to expand abroad
The municipal government is sparing no efforts to support related businesses in exporting their intelligent transport management technologies. As the city annually receives as many as 1,300 foreign officials a year, it has built the ITS-Friendship where Korean intelligent transportation system firms get connected and socialized with the foreign city officials.

- Standardize the ITS Utilizing its technology and experience
Seoul plans to develop a standard platform for an intelligent transport system and apply it to other domestic governments and share it with foreign cities. Using a standard platform will help many foreign cities to introduce intelligent transportation system without much initial investment, even though they might lack the necessary skills and experience.


Company KBS

KBS logo.png

About KBS

KBS today is different from when it started in 1926. Managed by the Cho Dae-hyun - the current President and CEO of KBS - KBS is now the largest television network in
Korea! It has up to 6 radio channels, 8 TV channels, 4 digital multimedia broadcasting channels and 2 international channels!

KBS is well known for producing variety shows differently, and the audience love that its variety shows are more natural and less scripted! The entertainment value keeps its
audience hooked and keep coming back for more! Personally, I enjoyed watching Return of the Superman!!

Living by the mission "Creative Media You Trust", KBS ensures the following as well:

1. We represent Korea as the nation’s flagship broadcaster
2. We produce top-quality content
3. We provide beneficial service without discrimination
4. We contribute to democratic formation of public opinion and social integration
5. We enhance Korean cultural values

KBS aims to "Rock the World" by taking it "Beyond TV"!

KBS values their audience the most. Thus, they ensure that the following core values are met:
1. Impartiality: We pledge to be impartial
2. Innovation: We continuously innovate and create
3. Passion: Passion is our power
4. Communication: One KBS! We communicate

KBS' Core Business

KBS places its focus on:


KBS Core Business.JPG

KBS' Structre
KBS Structure.JPG

KBS' Organisational Chart

Main Station

KBS Main Station.JPG

Local Station

KBS Local Station.JPG

KBS' Latest News

42nd anniversary
KBS celebrates its 42nd anniversary as a public sector broadcaster this March! Congrats KBS!

MOU between KBS and Daum Kakao
Last month, KBS has signed a MOU with the 2nd largest Web Portal Communications - Daum - and the number 1 in the mobile messenger firm - Kakao! The merger of Daum
and Kakao has brought about a 71% increase in their operating profits in the last quarter of the year. The operating profits increased significantly to SGD$59 million!

We hope that the new agreement between KBS and Daum Kakao will bring KBS to greater heights and more profits!

Launch of Creative Content Center
In the last quarter of last year, KBS launched its first Creative Content Center to better plan, produce and manage innovative content to enhance its production standard.
With this new center, they aim to capture both local and global audiences effectively.

