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Latest revision as of 17:33, 25 October 2019

About Shaun


SMU email: --
Facebook: --
Academic Year: 3
Degree: BSc Information Systems
2nd Major: Advanced Business Technology (Infomation Security and Assurance)
Hobbies: I love outdoor sports like diving and rock climbing while also exploring new places
Applying for subsidy: Yes

Why TSM Hong Kong?

  • What motivates you to join TSM?

I've heard so much about how fun and interesting the last TSM was, so I kinda wanna experience it for myself. It would be interesting to visit different tech companies to see how they think and innovate, and how different their modes of thinking is compared to Singapore companies.

  • Why pick Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is particularly interesting because it is very similar to Singapore in many aspects. That would make for an interesting comparison to how entrepreneurs there set-up and start a business, the problems they encounter, and how they overcome these problems. It would also be interesting to see how Hong Kong has progressed in the Cryptocurrency sector as Singapore and Hong Kong are two of the best countries to launch an ICO from.

Starting a business

  • What types of business interest you?

Businesses that are on the forefront of cutting edge technology, areas like Blockchain, A.I, and IoT. As well as businesses that focus on improving the environment, such finding ways to make things more efficient while using less energy or way to help the coral reefs.

  • What plan do you have in starting a business?

10 months ago, a with three other friends, we founded Ceito. We've been operating for about 10 months now providing a one-stop solution for companies and project owners to create and launch a successful compliant Initial Coin Offerings. Beyond project owners and companies we also allow customers and backers to easily track, back, and participate in ICOs, allowing for ordinary people to have a chance to participate in the backing of new projects and companies.

Past Experiences (optional)

  • SSP @ Universitas Gadjah Mada in Aug 2018

Where we learnt about the complexities of the Indonesian society, in the contexts of business and culture. It was definitely an eye-opening experience to see and learn about how a country as big and diverse as Indonesia battles it's way up the economic ladder to become one of the biggest growing economies in Asia.

  • Reef Alert 2016

This was an OCSP to Malapascua where we participated in shark research involving the Thresher Shark species. We helped the Thresher Shark achieve protected status under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

  • [ My LinkedIn]

What keeps you ticking?

The next adventure, there is so much to see and do in this lifetime. Planning for my next adventure, is like installing the light at the end of the tunnel. Something to focus on when times get tough and work gets crazy. So having that reminder, that at the end I can be wow-ed is really what keeps me going. Besides that, I would say eggs. Eggs are the best kind of fuel!