IS485 IS Project Experience (Research)- Fintech project examples

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Project deliverable:

  1. A research report covering 2-3 research questions
  2. A working prototype
  3. Presentation slides

Research Problems:

  • Approach the faculty advisor
  • Project selection should be mutually agreed
Item Research Problem Research Questions Research Method
1 Microservices Architecture in Banking - In recent years, there is much written about microservices architecture. Even so, there is very little written about how microservices are used in the banking industry. I study is needed to understand microservices implementation in banking.

Faculty Advisor: Alan Megargel

Research Question 1: How do banks decide on the boundary context and granularity of microservices?

Research Question 2: What kind of tool sets do banks use for building, testing, and deploying microservices?
Research Question 3: What strategies to banks employ for migrating from monolithic systems to microservices?

Research Method: Data collection through surveys and interviews of bank staff, and existing case studies. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data collected. Results and Conclusions.

Integrated Report: Write up an integrated report covering all 3 research questions.
Integrated Demo: Demonstrate a fully functional microservice for a banking context, using the techniques and tools discovered.

2 Data Replication Across Microservice Instances - In a microservices architecture, as the demand (# of invocations) for a microservice increases, management tools elastically create replicate instances of the microservice. A study is needed to understand mechanisms for replicating the data underlying multiple instances of a microservice.

Faculty Advisor: Alan Megargel

Research Question 1: Can an in-memory-data-grid be used instead of a relational database, underlying replicated instances of a microservice? What is the feasibility of each, in a banking context?

Research Question 2: What are the performance characteristics (eg; response time, replication time) of an in-memory-data-grid as compare to a relational database, as invoked across microservice instances?
Research Question 3: How is transaction management done using an in-memory-data-grid as compared to a relational database, in order to avoid concurrency issues across microservice instances?

Research Method: Develop a microservice (banking context) which requires transaction management.

Configure a microservice management tool to replicate instances of the microservice. Load test instances of the microservice across heavy loads, to generate data. Do the load testing for; a) in-memory-data-grid, and b) relational database. Analyse the data generated from load testing. Results and Conclusions.
Integrated Report: Write up an integrated report covering all 3 research questions. Relate each question within a banking context.
Integrated Demo: Demonstrate a fully functional microservice for a banking context, using the techniques and tools discovered. Run the demo using; a) in-memory-data-grid, and b) relational database.