Computing and Law

From IS Project Experience
Revision as of 10:46, 5 January 2023 by Hklim (talk | contribs) (Add multi-track section)
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Welcome! This wiki page provides information specific to Computing and Lay application and research projects (from AY2022/23 Term 2 onwards only).

Please read this in conjunction with the general IS Project Experience course information page.

Confused? Muddled? Help is at hand! Please drop the C&L Programme Director, LIM How Khang , an email.


Please refer to this page.

C&L project types

IS 485: C&L application project IS483: C&L Research project
Team Size 4-6 2-3
Scope • Requirements gathering

• Scoping • Design and development (POC) • Testing (system and user)

• Research (literature review and scoping)

• Data collection • Solution approach • Solution implementation • Report

Recommended Skill-sets / Pre-requisites

You should have passed the following modules

  1. IS111 Introduction to Programming
  2. IS112 Data Management
  3. IS211 Interaction Design and Prototyping
  4. CS206 Software Product Management (can be a co-requisite)
  5. LAW401 Intellectual Property Law
  6. LAW486 Privacy & Data Protection Law (can be a co-requisite)
You should have passed the following modules
  1. IS111 Introduction to Programming
  2. IS112 Data Management
  3. IS211 Interaction Design and Prototyping
  4. CS206 Software Product Management (can be a co-requisite)
  5. LAW401 Intellectual Property Law
  6. LAW486 Privacy & Data Protection Law (can be a co-requisite)

Min GPA 3.4 (or prior exemption from programme director)

  • Students will need to find a suitable SCIS/YPHSL faculty member to be their supervisor.
  • For industry research projects, students will need to additionally find an industry mentor.

Multi-Track Application Projects

SMT major/track students may form project teams with students from another IS major track. Please take note of the following:

  • Your team may consist of up to two tracks only. For example, you can have an SMT+BA, SMT+DCS, or SMT+FT team, but NOT an SMT+DCS+FT team.
  • There must be at least two SMT major/track students in your team.
  • There must be at least two students from the other IS major track.
  • For the purpose of team formation, SMT major and SMT track students are treated as equivalent.

Acceptance of multi-track project proposals and project grading will be on the basis of required criteria being fulfilled for both the tracks.

Proposal templates

Coming soon