Proposed projects

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Project proposed by NTUC Club

1. Fun and Engaging Chatbot

Brief Description: In the leisure and entertainment industry, the chatbot will serve our members, guests and communities with a fun-love image and character. While serving the audience with personalized engagement, the chatbot is a channel for the sales and promotion of our service offerings.

Engagement - To service guests with information with regards to our entities, events, marketing and promotions via a cycle of pre, during and post engagement.

Personalization - Target guests' persona, preferences and engage them in their own customer journey. Recommend to guests the appropriate promotions, products and services.

Sales - Demonstrate cross sell and up sell capabilities via integration with the ticketing system for ticket sales.

For further information, please contact VANESSA QUEK <>.

Project proposed by SMU Centre for Teaching Excellence

1. Say It Right!

Personalized feedback, in the context of presentations, has the potential to help students identify key components of good presentation through highlighting high-frequency filler words, text summarization and the pace of speech, etc. Through the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP), an AI-driven application could provide analysis on a presenter's spoken words, voice, tone and provide data-driven feedback to students. These suggested prescriptive recommendations would guide students in improving their public speaking abilities through encouraging them to be self-directed in their learning.

This IS483 project aims to build upon an existing IS480 project/application, Mic-Test 1-2-3 to develop a minimal viable product and build machine learning models aimed at discovering features which contribute to a well-delivered presentation/speech. The key deliverables for the project are as follows: • Analyze presentations and rate it based on performance indicators such as Energy Levels, Emotion Tones (e.g. Anger, Disgust, Fear, Joy, and Sadness) and Language Tone (e.g. Analytical, Confident, Tentative). • Work with Subject Matter Experts (e.g. communications professors) to improve on personalized formative feedback given by the application. • Label collected audios and build machine learning models to discover features that predict the performance of a presentation.

For further information, please contact EDGE: EdTech Green-house, an initiative under SMU’s Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), LEONG Kwok Hing <>, Pratibha PALERI <>, James FOO <>.

Projects proposed by L’Oréal Singapore

1. Price Optimization in E-commerce stores with Product cannibalization Analysis

Retailers have limited mediums to influence consumer behavior and running price discount has traditionally known for being the easiest to implement. Unlike advertising, price changes can be executed with little to no preparation and yet deliver immediate sales results. However this current practice led to over-discounting and further lower profit margins. It becomes unsustainable for aggressive price discounting without cannibalizing a more profitable product as consumers switch from one brand to another. Students will develop demand models for all products in L’Oréal e-commerce store and come up with an approach to pricing- incorporating their knowledge of product interactions, consumer demand, crawling of competitors’ e-commerce data, study store-wide effects on the level of discount with sales volume and period of running discounts. For further information, please contact QUARK Vivian <>.

2. Data Mining for Store Build Targeting

In order to boost ROI of each store expansion within ASEAN market, L’Oréal needs to develop a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, needs, attitudes and demographics. Students will make use of data mining advances and applications to combine information from various sources such as demographics data (e.g. Age, Education level, Ethnicity, Population density), stores in neighborhood (e.g. distance apart between stores) and internal L’Oréal store data to establish characteristics of each neighborhood. This data-driven segmentations could help identify the potential reach, sales growth of each neighborhood and help to determine new location for store build. Our main focus for this project is one of the ASEAN market (e.g. Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, India and Singapore) and this depends on availability of census data. For further information, please contact QUARK Vivian <>.

Projects proposed by UBS AG

1. Secure coding gamification

In a world of where very public and very devastating hacks and data breaches are rapidly on the rise, increased software developer awareness of secure coding best practices is crucial to any business' success. Students will create a web game for development teams. Development teams will be able to point the game at a code repository of interest. The game will ingest that code and run best of breed open source security static code analysis tools against the repository. From there, a custom game instance will be created that presents development team with features such as: coding challenges, recorded responses, ratings, top scores, and overall analytics on the security of the repository.

For further information on any of the above projects, please contact Viramontes, Victor <>.

Projects proposed by Credit Suisse

1. Optimal trading strategy

The student will learn the optimal trading strategy that provide the minimum expected cost of trading over a fixed period of time. The theoretical framework is minimizing a combination of volatility risk and transaction costs arising from permanent and temporary market impact. The students are expected to develop the model based on the theoretical framework and to test the model performance by using intraday trading data in the stock market. We will guide students on both modeling and testing to complete this project.

2. Catastrophe stress testing

The student will learn to assess the financial risk of a bank under catastrophe events such as earthquake, tsunami, pandemics and flood. The assessment methodology is based on catastrophe risk model framework developed by the insurance industry. The students will develop the model as well as test the model performance by using historical data such as actual losses, direct and indirect impacts on the economy, corporations, and financial industry due to the catastrophes. We will guide students on both modeling and testing to complete this project.

3. Inflection point indicator - Currency crisis

The student will learn to predict the currency crisis of a country. The currency crisis predictive model is developed based on machine learning algorithm on historical financial and macroeconomic data. Currency crisis is defined as currency depreciation of at least 25% over a one month period. Relevant data for various countries are FX rate, external debt - short term, External debt – total, Current account deficit, inflation, foreign-direct investment, portfolio or other investment inflows, foreign currency reserves, level of M2/reserves, real interest rate, GDP, equity Index, export and import. We will guide the students both on the modeling and testing to ensure the success of this project.

For further information on any of the above projects, please contact Chew, Eric <>.