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Proposal Submission for Upcoming Term
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Closing date for submissions for term 2 2022: 6th November 2022, 11.59pm

What is IS483/IS484/IS485

Welcome to this Wiki for the IS Project Experience set of courses! If you are a student at the School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS), please refer to the IS Project Experience eLearn page for the latest announcements.

Course Objectives

This course will provide opportunity for BSc(IS) student to

  • Develop an IT system or proof of concept application that satisfies a list of functional and quality requirements. Student will work with a team and practice their requirements gatherings, analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment and project management skills.
  • Build the additional depth required to become a Business IT professional. This includes building up competence in the student's selected track, applying their learning domain knowledge and technology to the relevant track domain industry sector.

Upon completion of the course, student will be able to:

  • Showcase expertise in executing a project using knowledge acquired from the courses taken from the IS curriculum
  • Experience developing of some technology deliverable for an IT system or proof of concept
  • Experience working in a team environment with a sponsored project (internal, external or self-proposed) using project management skills experience throughout the courses taken in IS
  • Learn about an industry or technology that is related to his selected track not otherwise available in the course curriculum.
  • Work on complex and real project used by the project sponsor

Important Contacts

Tracks Overview

Students can work on single or dual track projects as per the prerequisites

Business Analytics [Please read the FAQ]

Digitalisation and Cloud Solutions

Financial Technology

Smart-City Management and Technology

Professional Conduct

You are expected to attend meetings you set. If you are not able to attend for legitimate reasons, please inform your contact and course coordinator with reasons stated. If we receive any complaint about your unprofessional conduct, disciplinary action will be taken. Your conduct is a reflection of SCIS students and SMU. So, please act responsibly.

What is expected from me/ my team

Find a project

For IS483, you can source your own project from industry/SMU-X course contacts, from SMU faculty, from your internship company or contact one of the organizations here

For IS485, please find a faculty supervisor.

Read the course information

  • Read the Course Information carefully
  • Attend the briefing organized by Ellipsis. You will receive an email when the briefing is scheduled.
  • Contact the IS Project Experience Coordinator to clarify any questions or check in with the IS483 chatbot (coming soon)

Contact the project sponsor

All projects here have been reviewed by the course coordinators. However, it is the responsibilty of the team to gather more information, submit draft proposal for feedback, and clear all NDA, IP issues early before proposal deadline. Sponsors must refer to FAQ.

Submit your proposal

Proposals are to be submitted via here before the proposal deadline.

Attend proposal review presentation(s)

Track coordinators will contact you to give feedback on your proposal. You may need to revise your proposal after the feedback from track coordinators.

Bid for your project on BOSS

You will receive an email from the IS Project Experience Coordinator on the acceptance of the project and also on your supervisor and section. You should bid e$10 in BOSS Round 2, Window 1 after receiving this information. Check the timelines on when you can expect this

Get started

  • Get in touch with your supervisor and sponsor
  • Work on your project
  • Give regular updates
  • Work on the deliverables as per sponsor requirements
  • Work on your video, poster, report, web presence and presentations. Check Grading rubrics for details

All the best!