Proposed projects

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Instructions on sponsor engagement

The information has been updated in March 2023. As many teams may be approaching sponsors, sponsors will discuss with the various teams and decide which team to work with. If your team has already confirmed a project with a sponsor, please let the faculty manager know so that we can update the website for other students.

For self sourced sponsors

Teams are encouraged to source sponsors from internships, SMU-X modules and personal contacts. The deck here can be shared with the sponsors to clarify any roles and responsibilities with them and request them to contact the faculty manager at for any clarifications File:Sponsor information deck.pptx


<!=== Project(s) proposed by Standard Chartered === 1. Onsite personalization to maximize the digital engagement

The Digital use case is divided into two parts:

1) Journey evaluation : Study how users traverse the StanC website, understand the broken journeys, their option selection preferences, etc - by different segments, countries and products

a. Prepare an analysis which talks about how different users navigate on our website (major routes they take to reach their goals), what are the options they show more interest in, how many have journey breakages and why, etc

b. Propose recommendations to improve/smoothen the site navigation and prevent drop offs

c. How the above two vary by different user segments, their location, etc

2) Personalization : Predict the likelihood of a product transaction (eg cash payment, trade transaction, etc) at each step/page of the journey from the time a user lands on the website and recommend the next best click/clicks at that step (which can be shown as a pop up or a CTA) to optimize the conversions. - This would require participants to use the clustering techniques for customer segmentation and Machine Learning / Statistical modelling for predictive analysis

Data that will be provided : Google Analytics data from StanC’s Digital platforms (Web, Mobile, etc)

For further information, please contact Rahul Gupta (>

For more information, please contact Sky @ -->

Projects proposed by Kinobi

Project 1: Resume Parser AI Evolution

Kinobi provides campus management systems to universities.One of our core products is career management features. As a part of a campus management system, the objective is to help students prepare for their dream job. One of the features from career management is the resume builder.
In this module, student create their resume in pre-defined format so no need to re-format, the objective is to save students' time while creating a professional resume. Currently students usually already have a resume, and they wish to import their resumes into our platform. We already have the feature to allow import the PDF but not not at its ideal state (the mapping is not matched, data not detected, etc, hopefully in this project can help Kinobi to improve the function.
Create a resume parser through the use of AI, regular expression or a sweet mix of both. This parser has to accommodate for a realistic spectrum of resume document type & copywriting
Example #1: Different Resume Document Types

  • Student A may use a Canvas generated resume, which is in an image format.
  • Student B may use a PDF but the words are not well structured

Example #2: Different Copywriting across different sections of a resume

  • To describe their working experiences, Student A uses Work Experience
  • Student B uses Experience

Example #3: Different styles of a resume

  • Student A uses 3 columns to segment their resumes
  • Student B uses 2 columns

System is able to identify email, company name, date, country, etc
The resume parser can mapping the data to the right object (to our fields of resume) after uploaded into the platform
You can see all the fields of resume builder here
The solution needs as little maintenance as possible.
Ideally: the solution can self learn from its own set of data. Eg. In University A, there are 10,000 students. The more students upload their resumes, the more sample data the system can use as sample data. You have to consider how Kinobi/System itself can classify & train the data (Consider supervised training).

Project proposed by Willowmore

Willowmore is a leading Smart Access, IoT and Analytics company based in Singapore.

Example projects include:

Project #1: Centralised Integrated Facilities Management System

  • Project Description/Goals: We will involve students in cutting edge development of a CIMS that will become an integral part of FM companies' operating systems. We are looking at aggregating services and data to enable automation and for FM companies to perform command and control operations from their operations center.
  • Learning Opportunities: There will be opportunities for students to be involved in integration with various FM systems, using IoT solutions to enable sensing, using robotics to enable command and control - these scope will be subject to the buy-in from the end customers. Students will have the opportunity to pitch some of the ideas to our customers.
  • Deliverables: To be defined together with the student team during initial discussions.
  • Point of contact: Joseph Tey (

Project #2: AI Powered Modules for WMSenseHub

  • Project Description/Goals: Students will identify a pain point and use the latest development methods to code, train and tune AI engines that solve real world problems. This might be fall detection, obstruction detection, abnormal activity detection and AI Powered Dashboard.
  • Learning Opportunities: Students will be challenged to dream big and we will guide them to leverage technologies to implement clever AI solutions to real world problems. They will work together with experienced AI engineers.
  • Deliverables: To be defined together with the student team during initial discussions.
  • Point of contact: Joseph Tey (

Project #3: Cyber Security

  • Project Description/Goals: Cyber security is critical to everything that we do. We are looking at getting students to understand the continuous process of VA and PT as part of the software development process.
  • Learning Opportunities: Students will have hands on experience of performing Vulnerability assessments and Penetration testing using professional software solutions that they will be using. They will also learn about how these gaps can be fixed to ensure a robust cyber security approach to software development.
  • Deliverables: To be defined together with the student team during initial discussions.
  • Point of contact: Joseph Tey (