ANLY482 AY2016-17 T1 Group5 - Project Overview

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Overview Description Methodology Visualizations Technology Limitations

HoiPOS provides innovative point-of-sales (POS) systems to the Food and Beverages sector. The company offers efficient and innovative tablet POS systems for their clients while giving themselves a competitive advantage by providing useful analytics solutions to aid business owners in making business decisions. It is important for restaurants to know how to exceed customer satisfaction in order to stimulate current growth in sales through repeat customers and to attract new customers.

The data collected from HoiPOS systems is enormously extensive; it stores and records more information compared to traditional systems that usually only take into account the sales amount and profits. As HoiPOS systems are integrated into tablets, the data collected covers more than just sales figures. It includes information such as time taken to serve a certain dish, which combination of dishes are often ordered together and more.