Search for duplicate files

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Search for duplicate files based on hash values.

Error creating thumbnail: convert.exe: improper image header `D:\Mediawiki\sites\ANLY482/images/6/6c/WipeWIP.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/4294. convert.exe: no images defined `C:\Windows\TEMP/transform_52d474f30c65.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3273. Error code: 1

300 × 263 pixel
File size: 12 KB
MIME type: image/png

The file "WipeWIP.png" has 2 identical duplications.

  1. WipWIP.png . . Shane.goh.2012 (talk | contribs) . . 17:17, 8 January 2016
  2. Wip png.png . . Shane.goh.2012 (talk | contribs) . . 17:16, 8 January 2016
  3. WipeWIP.png . . Shane.goh.2012 (talk | contribs) . . 17:19, 8 January 2016