AY1516 T2 Team CommuteThere

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Project Sponsor: Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC)

About Sponsor: Living Analytics is a new joint research initiative between Singapore Management University (SMU) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to conduct research on behavioural and social network analytics and behavioural experiments so as to discover and harness the laws of information network evolution for networks of people, organisations and businesses. Given its interdisciplinary nature, LARC involves faculty and students across the various academic units of SMU and CMU.

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Project Supervisor: Associate Professor Kam Tin Seong

About Supervisor: Associate Professor Kam Tin Seong is a faculty member of the Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC) and SMU. Professor Kam is active in consulting work as well as executive training in data visualisation, business analytics and geographic information systems for government agencies and companies. The organisations that he has consulted for or conducted training programmes for both the public and private sector.

Team Members & Roles


Workload is split evenly to all members of the team. Given that the data is categorized into three different demographic profiles, each member is in-charged of each profile.

  • Student data is analysed by Huiting
  • Adult data is analysed by Jaclyn
  • Elderly data is analysed by Jeanne

Apart from analysing the data, everyone in the team is responsible for updating the wiki page whenever possible and necessary. Jaclyn takes charge of documentation, while Huiting and Jeanne upload and update the content of the wiki page.

To keep in touch with the project progress, team and sponsor meetings are scheduled once every two week. A definite task to be completed by the next meeting will be set at the end of each team meetings after discussions.