Name of Data |
Nature of Data |
Number of Records (after cleaning)
bus_service_mapping |
The actual bus service numbers are provided alongside with the bus service ids together with the date of entry of data into the database. The more recent the data depicts a more updated record. |
location_gis_mapping |
Coordinates of bus stops in WGS84 coordinate system are provided with the location_id of each bus stops and the date of entry when the data is entered into the database. The more recent the data depicts a more updated record. |
location _mapping |
Names of each MRT stations and bus stops are provided together with the location_id. Date of entry of data when entered into the database is provided. The more recent the data depicts a more updated record. |
ride_data_20120109_20120115 |
Ez-link transactions of commuters of all types of commuters category from 9 Jan 2012 to 15 Jan 2012. Each transactions displays the tap-in and top-out of ez-link card. |