Visualization of Consumer Satisfaction

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Stake holders

Supervisor : Daniel
Supervisor : Choksi Seema. Client : Marcus Lee .

Development of Chart and Dashboards

Our dashboard has gone through many iterations of user testing and interactive design prototyping. The outcome of those are documented in this section

Version A -- Z shows the progression for the charts. Demo version shows the up to date / Best version available.

The sequence of the charts are also the placed in Chronological order based on what was created first.

Chart Type Demo Version Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6
Layout acts as a blueprint for dashboard design -- 2014 1 Slide3.JPG 2014 1 Slide4.JPG 2014 1 Slide5.JPG 2014 1 Slide6.JPG Example Example
Bar Chart to show quick overview of the current scores 2014 gif 1.gif 2014 1 Slide7.JPG 2014 1 Slide8.JPG 2014 1 Slide9.JPG 2014 1 Slide10.JPG - Line Chart allows recognition of pattern better than bar chart. -- 2014 1 Slide11.JPG 2014 1 Slide12.JPG Example Example Example Example
Box Plot to show more details that is not shown in bar/line chart. -- 2014 1 Slide13.JPG Example Example Example Example Example
Dash Board - working towards a end product 2014 gif 2.gif 2014 1 Slide14.JPG 2014 1 Slide15.JPG 2014 1 Slide16.JPG 2014 1 Slide17.JPG Example Example
Multi-linear chart to show the scores for everyone. Granular level to show specifics ( removed eventually due to confusion ) 2014 gif 3.gif 2014 1 Slide18.JPG 2014 1 Slide19.JPG 2014 1 Slide20.JPG 2014 1 Slide21.JPG Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example