ANLY482 AY1516 G1 Team Skulptors - Project Overview
Summary | Description | Warehouse Tour new! | Methodology new! | Technology new! | Limitations & ROI |
In recent years, data has evolved to provide answers and solutions to problems hidden from the surface. Analytics, the study of data, has evolved over the years to be an integral tool for many companies to further improve efficiency and sustainability. However, the ability to easily visualise data, quickly modify views and interrogate data can be difficult and time consuming due to the difficulty and effort required to update reports and dashboards. On top of that, in today's connected world there are many more data sources available to organisations, such as machinery sensors, mobile devices, wearables, web logs, etc. The Internet of Things (IoT) now allows us to collect and exchange data between systems, providing a rich set of data for analysis. Some of this data is unstructured, in siloes, making it difficult to analyse in its raw form let alone integrating it to gain valuable insights .
Today, a local multi-national corporation faces the same adversity as many others – the plight of unworked data. Visualizations of the data provided by their in-house warehousing solution has proven to be difficult and much of the information is not placed to better use. The company hopes to solve 3 main issues, namely how they should categorize their warehouse supplies into ABC categories (each category refers to how fast the goods move) to store their goods in the best location available, how can their data be visualized better so that it is easier for employees to see, and how can their warehouses be utilized to the fullest to ensure minimal wastage.
Our team, Skulptors, will be developing a dashboard application to solve the issues of this company. Control charts will be used to depict control of the movement of the SKUs, identifying which type of products have excessive or lack of movements from the warehouse. Treemaps will be used to identify products or SKUs that have minimal utilization of warehouses, and also to identify which warehouse location is not fully utilized. Java add-ons will be used to facilitate additional functions, such as allowing the upload of an excel file to update the database. This allows for our solution to remain sustainable. Time series line graphs will also be used for easy display of inflow and outflow rate of specified SKUs.
With our solution, we hope to assist the company and the employees, relieving them from the hassle of manually analyzing the given data. Through our visualizations and analysis, we also hope to improve upon their warehousing solution, allowing the company to better utilize their warehouses and thus improving the business value.