Gambling Behaviour Pattern Analysis

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Singapore Pools singapore pools f1fcc73e-67e4-4442-8c93-e93f9acd9982 560x462.jpg

Project Motivation & Objective

The aim of our project is to allow Singapore Pools to better understand the gambling behaviours of their customers through the identification of gambling patterns, which can be unique across different clusters of individuals. Each cluster might have their own specific ways of splitting their bets, different churn rates, preference for a league, different decision making process, and ways of selecting their winning bets per match. Such behavioural patterns could possibly be linked back to certain demographics pertaining to the cluster, allowing us to further infer reasons behind their gambling habits, and hopefully could help us identify those irresponsible gamblers too. For the purpose of the project, the scope of our project is limited to the Sports Betting segment of their Account Customers.

The objectives of our project is to: (1) Profile their existing pool of customers through clustering analysis (2) Create a data visualization of the consumer betting activity (3) Build a dashboard to visualize the profiling and data points